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Friday came around a bit too quickly.

I hate P.E. class. I'm fond of running, I really am but being forced to run around a giant oval with someone grading you with your limits and actually judging you by it isn't really comfortable. It doesn't make me comfortable because some people are well inclined and built for sports and some are not, most shouldn't be forced to do things they don't like and be judged by it.

I tried not to rant too much.

And right now, we're all wearing dark P.E. uniforms. We look cool, like a super secret boy band but that's it. The P.E. still sucks.

When lunch time came around, I've ordered probably as much as I could, two and half servings of Mac and cheese, one juice box and two apples.

"Why are you so hungry today?!" Kendall asked, her nose slightly wrinkling.

I slowly looked up, "That's my secret, Kendall, I'm always hungry," I said dramatically but in the way Mark Ruffalo said it in the Avengers movie and then I continued eating.

I barely kept a conversation with them, I just continued eating until I'm fool. I put one apple inside my bag while I eat the other one and enjoy my juice box.

When I was finished, I looked around the table to see who's missing, it's just the usual, Taylor.

We headed to the wall again after lunch, it had became a hang-out place and I can't say I have any problem with that. As usual, we minded our own businesses and keeping a normal conversation.

It occurred to me that Jhanelle really likes writing on the walls.

"We should spray this wall with some colour," I said, "Don't you think?"

"Harry, no," Niall said. "You are not spray painting this wall."

"Watch me," I replied, frowning. "It's not like they're gonna see it anyways, the place is too hidden, uhuh? Back building and small forest and all. They won't even see it."

"Yeah, I wish it were that easy," Jhanelle muttered. "If it was, this thing would have a bit more life."

"Hello, guys," Taylor said.

"Hey, Tay," Niall greeted.

"Well, finally," Kendall muttered.

Oh, I didn't even see her coming or hear her. She looks up at us with an innocent smile. "How long have you guys been in here?"

Apparently, her braid today goes from the right, part of her hairline to the left, the right seemed to be stuck. I don't know how girls do it but it seems painful. But it's every centimeter beautiful on her blonde hair, though.

"About a good ten minutes," Aerielle answered.

"You finally escaped on your own, huh?" I joked and Kendall glared at me. I smiled at her and I can see her get a bit annoyed.

"Yes," Taylor answered so plainly like she didn't get the joke when it happened just a few days ago. She stepped up to the dome-like part.

It's the first time she came here at lunch to gang out with the gang as well. . . as far as I can tell anyway.

I was near her so I extended my hand to help her up. Yet, she didn't take my hand. "I can do it," She said confidently and sweetly. . . I didn't know it was possible.

Then again, I reminded myself that I'm looking at the legendary Riptide.

My eyebrows met as she put her hands on the dusty surface of the cement. It slightly made me uncomfortable as in my opinion, her pale thin fingers never matched getting dirty. Chill Harry, calm it. It's not like she's going to fall.

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