Although, as much as Taylor was wishing Harry was alive. . . her mind was also debating about how Harry would have reacted if he did meet him. Would he forgive her? Would he even acknowledge her presence? Maybe so. By the way Gemma had been speaking highly of him, and how Harry still looks at her. . . it's a bit different.

But. . . if Harry was alive, would she have gone through all the trouble to get back here? Would she make up those excuses she should have made years ago when Harry was still alive?

Remorse and dread filled Taylor as she looked around the beautiful house. All her mind could ever think of now was Harry. . . Harry. . . Harry. . . nothing else but Harry. Not her company, not her current life. . . just Harry, the boy who had turned her life upsidedown with just one quick smile.

"Anyways, would you like to go back downstairs? You need to eat and I heard that the rest of your old friends are there," Gemma said, snapping Taylor away from her thoughts.

"Oh, uh, okay." She replied shyly.

Taylor and Gemma both walked their ways downstairs and to the dozens of people wearing black. Taylor was trying her best not to look at who's inside the casket, she doesn't want to. Instead, she looked inside the house. Of course, it wasn't near as grand or as large as their house but it was beautiful. It seemed as though in ever corner, there was Harry's signature.

The woods were designed as though they were a hundred years old. Replicas of famous paintings hung on the walls as were the quotes of some famous words from famous people of history. There were even decorations of ancient weapons all around, even including katanas and old firearms. The place itself smelled like the forest if it hadn't been overpowered by the scent of flowers and candles.

"The place is beautiful," Taylor commented. It really was. But she thought, anything with Harry's signature is bound to be beautiful. That boy's mind was a beacon of mysteries and surprises, there was never a day when you wouldn't wonder what he'll do next.

"Thank Harry," Gemma replied. "Trust me, this place may be old but it wasn't like this. Harry was the one who turned this place around. See, this is his place now. I live two towns over. Technically, mum is living with him now but, he usually isn't home."

"Hmm," Taylor responded, still looking around but watching out for the stairs. "Not a good place for raising kids though." She mumbled to herself but unfortunately, Gemma had heard it.

"Definitely not," Gemma said. "That's why when he plays with the neighbourhood kids, he usually goes out in the backyard. Not that he's been playing with so many now. Most of the kids had grown up. Still, you wouldn't believe how many of them idolises Harry."

"So that's why there are many teenagers here," Taylor said and Gemma nodded.

"Anyways, I have to go. I'll see you later, Taylor."

Taylor nodded and started making her way to her old friends. . . their old gang.

Things had chained within the span of eight years, of course, they'd see each other every once in a while but it was very rare when they're together in one place. As heard, Marshal runs his own recording studio in L.A. whereas Jhanelle is a member of a band along with Berlyn. Aerielle turned out to be a professional teacher. Niall, an engineer and Kendall, a chef.

"Yeesh, I would never have expected Harry to turn out to be a soldier," Niall said, to start the conversation. Taylor wasn't really in the mood for a conversation about Harry so she stayed quiet.

"I wouldn't expect it either, that rebel?" Jhanelle piped in. "It's just weird."

"The guy was full of surprises," Kendall mumbled and as though on cue, all of them turned their heads to look at the casket.

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