Chapter 16: The End of the Beginning

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One Year Later:

"Dear Diary,
Today marks one year... Proud of me? You may be asking "why would I be proud of you for living another basic year", but I'm proud of my self. I didn't commit suicide, although that thought did pass my mind. I just... I miss him. Well beside the anniversary, I thought I should pay my brothers a visit. Haven't seen them since I bounced after Cas's death. We never really had this talk did we, diary? Even though your just my sweet, inanimate object that I have one-way conversations with. I joined a sorority, changed my name. I know Sam and Dean have been trying to find me, but I made sure it was impossible for them. Got rid of all my electronics, and now I'm here. Signing off, see you next time diary."
   You slowly close the cover of your diary and stare up at the mirror hanging above your desk. 12:04 a.m., one year after Castiel died. You had tried all the spells in the world, attempted crossroad deals, but no demon was committed enough to bring him back. You decided to leave, leave it all behind. Moved to a new place after any sight of a demon or angel, left your brothers, changed your name.
     But today was the day you were going to take it back. This new life sucks, you miss Sam and Dean, and him most of all.
   Throwing clothes and the rest of your belongings into a bag, you tip-toe quietly out of the sorority house. All of the petty girls that you had been living with for the past year changed your mind about living in the real world.
  There was a place called Nina's Diner a few minutes away, they had a payphone, and you had some change in your pocket.
  Making the walk over, you hesitantly grab the fifty cents from your pocket and take a big breath before dialing Dean's number. You could feel tears choking their way up.
  "Hello...?" You heard answer through the other line and you sigh in relief, still somewhat nervous though.
  "Dean-" You begin.
"Yeah..." A tear rolls down your cheek, he can clearly tell your starting to cry through the shakiness of your voice.
"Holy shi- Where the hell are you?! What's wrong?"
"I-uh... I'm in Georgia. I-I'm ok. I just..." You pause as you choke on your words, trying not to sound too upset though the phone.
"I miss you guys-" You sob quietly. "And I-uh, I really don't like it here, and I'm sorry for leaving you like that, but I hope you can understand"
"Hey, hold on their don't start crying now, it's ok. Where in Georgia are you, I'm on my way." He says.
  "It's ok Dean, I'm already planning on coming to you, I just need a few more days."
  "Y/n... I-"
"Dean it's ok. I love you, but I can make the trip on my own. Is Sam there?"
"Uh- Yeah..." He starts. "Sammy-!" You hear through the phone before another familiar voice answers.
"Hi Sam-"
"Y/n-- Jesus Christ, are you ok?!"
"Yeah I'm fine. Listen, I'm running out of time on this payphone, but I should be near you guys in a couple of days. Make sure Dean doesn't come looking for me."
"Uh.. y-sure, ok, but where are you?"
"Georgia, now I have to go, Love you guys."
"Lov-" You hear before an automotive voice speaks 'your time has ended, please place fifty cents to continue'.
You wipe your face from stray tears and take a few couple of breaths before walking out of the phone booth. You start heading towards an old decrepit building, one where you had rented a room next to squatters and local artisans. Other than the sorority, this was your only other get-away.
The heels of your shoes clacked down the hallways as you entered a room with a "Do Not Enter" sign written clearly on the door.
The room was a mess. There were strings attached to pins, which were attached to newspaper clippings that would lead you on to believe that somewhere and some way Castiel was still alive, only to have your heart broken a little  bit more when they all came to a dead end. Every news paper, quote, picture...The strings all led back to a picture of Castiel in the middle.
  Throwing your bag on the ground, you reach up and yank a handful of strings down. You ripped all the papers off of the walls and tore pictures in half. It was somewhat therapeutic for you, throwing the only chair in the room against the wall, knocking the table over.
When you were finished, all that was still in tact was the picture of Castiel. You kissed the picture, then pulled out a lighter and set it aflame, dropping it into a pile of scraps and making your way quickly out of the building. Before walking away, you smile and shake your head.
"You really have become one psycho bitch, y/n" you chuckle.
  As you walked towards the bus station firefighter trucks roared by you, you smirked and continued walking.

Your POV

  It was around 2:45 a.m. now. I wasn't exactly sure yet how I would make it to Sam and Dean. I tracked down Dean's phone and found out that their in Alabama, which isn't too far, but I didn't want to take a bus all that way. Besides, the next bus leaving for Alabama isn't going to get here until 5 p.m. tonight.
  I might as well walk. I'm already near the border of Georgia and Alabama, and I have enough money for food and water. If I can pull through it will be about a week or so. All of a sudden I heard a voice from behind me.
"Look who we have here!" Spoke a familiar accent.
"Crowley?" I spun around to face this King. "B-but how did you find me, I have demon warding?" I asked with high cautiousness.
  "It's not everyday somebody leaves angel grace in a burning warehouse, love." He said, dangling the necklace which I kept my grace in. He tossed it to me and stuck his hands back in his pockets.
"Anyways... What do you want?" I asked him.
"Why do you Winchesters think I want something from you anytime I show up?! For bloody sake, I was actually supposed to be protecting you this past year since you've been all M.I.A, I can't stop by and check in for once?"
"No... You can't. And besides, why did you agree to protecting me?" I asked him.
"The questions rhetorical." He answered nervously.
"Mhmm... So it wasn't a threat or anything?" I persisted.
"God Damn you moron YES I was bloody threatened, OK?! All because your little wonder boy hid my bones, he said he'd have people burn em'."
I laughed a little at him.
"Well it was nice catching up but I'm off to go find my thievish mop-heads." I said to him.
"Do you need a lift there Shirley, cause I'm only pulling this nice-card once." He asked. I though about how long it would take me on foot.
"Anniston, Alabama." I said.
"I take that as a yes, now hurry up before I change my mind you pest." He insisted, placing his hand on my shoulder when I walked over.
We arrived within the time frame of a snap.
"Lord I hate helping you guys."
"Yeah, love you too Crowley." I said.
"Alright. Can I leave now?" He asked. "I have to go too so yes, thanks by the way." I said before I started running down the street.
  I've come to realize that I'm more lax with Crowley than my brothers... I know hes sort of like an arch enemy, but I also know he is truly a softy behind that rough, broad shell. 
This in particular city was small, so I was just following street signs as I ran.
  It didn't take long till I found the street the supposed motel they were at was on. I walked down the street panting, slicking my hair back as rain began to pour down. It was 3:30 a.m. by now, and I knew Sam and Dean wouldn't fall asleep after getting a phone call from me.
I could see them from a window. Dean was drinking a beer and Sam was on his laptop. I grinned. I stopped and looked at them for a second. My life had been moving so slow after Cas' death, and now that I'm looking at my brothers, I see opportunity. Opportunity for a life again.
  "Sam!! Dean!!" I began to call out, sprinting towards their motel room door. They threw open the door at the sounds of my voice, and I crashed into the both of them with a hug.
   I smiled as we all hugged. Taking a step back, I looked up at the both of them.
"I thought you said you would be a few-... days..." Sam began, but slowed down and began looking behind me, along with Dean.
  "Yeah, wh-" I began to ask before I turned around to see what they were looking at.
  In the pouring rain stood a man. He was dirty, and his clothes were partially ripped.
"C-...Cas-.." I choked. This man was too distinct to forget. It was Castiel
  "Hello y/n." He spoke. His deep gravely words were so relieving to hear.
Without even thinking I dashed towards him and jumped into his arms, tears streaming down my face. He wrapped his arms around me tightly as I cried onto him.
"Don't leave me again..." I said, burying my face into his shoulder. Our eyes met for what seemed like the first time in forever.
"I won't" He replied as I noticed his eyes start to grow watery. We smiled at eachother and continued to hug as the rain poured down.

Later that night

"Dear Diary,

  He's back... I guess I don't need you anymore than. We had some good times together diary, but my life has come back to me. So until next time I guess, this is y/n, logging off."

You click the end of your pen and close your diary, peering over the table. Dean, Sam, and Castiel were talking on the couch. You couldn't help but grin. Tossing your book aside you join them and lay across Sam and Dean's laps, just like you used to. Castiel looked over at you as you two shared a smile. Your life was back to normal, or so you thought.
  You'll find out soon enough though, won't you, because today... The day your life became meaningful again, was only the end of a bigger beginning.

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