Chapter 15: Non-Stop

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We hadn't heard any other news from Crowley, and I haven't been kidnapped by any other pervs yet. I guess that's a plus.
These thoughts were raving through my head as Sam and Dean carried me. Both on either side of me holding me up by under my legs and under my arms. They rushed me into the bathroom, Castiel following  impatiently behind us.
  "How did this happen?!" He asked. Sam, Dean, and I were on a hunt against a group of demons trying to take me like everyone else has been these days when I got shot, twice in my right leg, actually.      Thankfully the bullets didn't hit any arteries, but I was bleeding profusely to the point where I was growing unconscious.
   They sat me on the counter of the sink. Dean put a towel on the two open gun shot holes in my leg as Sam rummaged through the cabinets for medical supplies. Cas grabbed me a glass of water as well. Sam took a pair of scissors and cut open square-shaped holes in my pants around the wounds.
"Ok, this might hurt a little." Sam said to me, cracking open a bottle of alcohol he had grabbed. Dean wrapped up a hand towel for me to bite down on as Sam poured the alcohol on the wounds.
I grunted through the towel as an intense burning sensation coursed through my leg. It made Castiel uncomfortable to see me like this, which I could tell through every time he squinted his eyes when I threw my head back in pain.
Sam took the towel out of my mouth as I caught my breath.
"Shouldn't we take her to a hospital?" Cas asked. I shook my head no.
"I'd rather not-... Just get these fucking bullets out of my leg god dammit."
I grunted through heavy breaths.
Dean picked me up and sat me down on the bed so that I would be more comfortable while Sam pulled bullet fragments out of my leg.
Cas sat to the left of me while Sam was on the right, along with my right leg on his lap as he held tweezers, alcohol, and a rag next to him.
"You ready?" He asked, cleaning the blood off around the openings. I nodded.

It was a long hour and a half, but Sam had pulled out all of the shattered bullet pieces and sewed the cuts closed.
I had already gotten myself drunk to, mostly why I was numb to the pain halfway through.
Dean was doing research on an unusual chain of murders in Texas, although, I wouldn't be much help since I'm most likely going to be on crutches for a while.
"How ya doing, kiddo?" Dean asked me while I was staring at myself drowsily in the mirror. I had to hobble around everywhere to avoid putting pressure on my right leg.
    "I'm fine..." I replied, he gave me a face.
"The truth, y/n." He demanded. I sighed and looked up at him.
   "Ok.... Get me some Advil and Z-Quill then I'll be fine." I said. He frowned at me.
"Y/n... " he began, but I returned a stern face, he nodded and left the bathroom doorway, leaving me with myself and my reflection. I wiped my face with a wet towel and hobbled back to the bed.
  Sam had gone with Dean to the store, so it was just Cas and I left at the motel.
"You know I can heal your leg, right?" He reminded me. I nodded.
  "I know... I can't though. Even though I still have this grace, I feel like all these powers are draining out of me. I can feel pain, I get hungry every now and then, tired too. The only thing I can still do strongly is fly. And I don't want to have to rely on angel magic every time I get in a situation."
   I explained to him, he understood where I was coming from.
"When do you plan on removing your grace, anyways?". He questioned. I forgot that I've been an angel for a few months now.
  "Soon." Is all I said, and nestled myself into his arm comfortably.
Sam and Dean arrived back shortly with the medicine I asked for, a six-pack and of course, a pie for Dean.
He tossed over a box of Advil to me along with a Fiji Water I had in the mini fridge of our motel room.
"Feeling any better?" Sam asked, grabbing a seat and cracking open a beer. I shrugged.
"Well, adding the fact that I am damn closed to being shit-faced, I'm completely fine." I grinned innocently.
A strange knock at the door quickly interrupted us though. We shared confused looks as Dean grabbed his gun and slowly chambered it, ready to shoot if needed. He slowly walked to the door and looked out through the peep hole as the rest of us stared in alert.
Dean took a step back from the door and wiped his face with his hands for a short moment before opening the door to a strange teenaged boy. Everyone in the room except me seemed surprised by this boy.
"D-Dean..." The boy began, choking on his words a bit as he looked up at my older brother. Dean was shocked at the moment, along with everyone else, and I decided to keep my mouth shut.
"Ben?" Dean asked surprisingly. He quickly ran all of his monster-checking techniques on the boy, who seemed adjusted to this, before pulling him into a hug.
"How did you find me... Well shit, how do you remember me?!" Dean interrogated, stepping away from the door to let the boy in. He shrugged.
"I-I don't know. Mom doesn't remember you, that I know for a fact, but I started having these weird flashbacks. It was like I had lost an entire year of my life and slowly started remembering it piece by piece." He spoke. I sat up hoping to but-in and hear the news about who this kid was.
"Do you remember everything?" Dean asked him, the boy nodded yes. I was growing more puzzled at the situation.
"W-who... Is he?" I asked  Cas quietly trying not to completely disturb the moment.
"Long story, I'll tell you that later" Cas replied.
"Ben... How did you get here?" Dean asked the kid.
"I can drive now, Dean." He replied. Dean seamed a bit blown back, I guess when Dean last saw this kid he must've been young. I thought now would be a good time to excuse myself from whatever was happening...
"Hey uh... I'm going to leave you alone to handle this whole... Situation... Cas, now a good time for a drink?" I asked. "I highly suggest we remove ourselves from this moment, so yes... Now is in fact a good time." Cas replied in agreement.
Castiel helped me out the door on my crutches that he had picked up a little while ago. There was a bar down the road from our motel so we didn't feel the need drive or 'woosh' over there. We paced side by side down the road.
Most of the walk was silent until I noticed Cas started looking a bit sketchy. He was looking around behind us cautiously and fidgeting with the sleeve of his trench coat.
"Are you doing alright?" I asked him. "I don't know of an alright, and even if I did, I wouldn't 'do' them..." He replied, I rolled my eyes.
"I mean, are you ok? You seem nervous." I asked more clearly. Suddenly Cas covered my mouth with his hand and pulled me off the rode behind a tree. He held me close to him as a long silver dagger slid out of his sleeve and he peered behind the tree. I pulled out my knife knowing that something was wrong.
He touched my leg to heal it so that I could run if needed, although I still didn't want to be healed. "Stay behind me." He demanded, I nodded and followed behind him, holding his arm securely. I heard a ruffling noise and quickly turned around.
Cas and I stood alarmingly, back to back with our knives out. He turned his head slightly to face me. "If I say so, I want you to get yourself back to the motel as quickly as you can and call Crowley." He told me, I raised an eyebrow, still looking at our surroundings closely.
"What, why Crowley?!" I asked. "Your brothers are handling their own situation right now." He stated, although I still wasn't giving in.
    "Even still! This is Crowley were talking about Cas!" I argued. He sighed.
   "Y/n listen, I made a deal with Crowley that if anything ever happens with me to protect you." He explained.
"Cas! He's the fucking King of Hell! You can't go making cross roa-" Castiel cut me off.
"It wasn't a cross road deal, now there is something coming from your 2 o'clock, get ready." He whispered even quieter. I looked in the spot which he directed and noticed a creature that was unknown to me.
   "Fucking shit, Cas what is that?!" I exclaimed. He looked in my direction.
"I've got this, just run y/n!" He shouted.
   "Cas you know I'm not going to leave here without you, I'm fighting with you!" I declared as he killed the monster. He looked at me.
  "Fine. But be careful." He said deeply. I nodded and turned away to the noise of a growl. I stabbed a monster that jumped out at me in the heart and ran to Castiel's side to help him.
  "What the hell are these things?" I asked as we looked around watchfully.
  "Frankly, I'm not sure. It looks like a Wendigo mixed with some sort of other creature." He began before aiming his hand out at an approaching monster and blasting it away. We caught our breaths as the moment began to die down, but of course we had to know the fight was far from over. Another, more human like monster began to approach us.
  "That looks like...-" Castiel started. Since the monster was unknown to me, I questioned.
  "A what. What does it look like?" I asked him.
  "...Jefferson Star Ship." He mumbled. I raised an eyebrow- wait... Dean. That's only a name Dean would come up with. The thing jumped on top of Cas, which of course made me hop into action. I tried to straddle the thing and stab it, but with one swift push it sent me flying into a tree.
  I sat there lying on the ground, my focus out of view as this thing and Cas fought back in forth for the dominant side of the fight. Right as I though we were safe though, this thing... This blood thirsty ugly little bitch of a creature took Cas's angel blade... It stabbed him in the stomach.
  I screamed as Cas began to glow, ready to explode as any other angel would when struck by this blade, but he didn't. He just fell unconscious. My eyes were teary and the only though in my head right now: "Kill".
  I screamed and leaped on top of the monster and smashed it's head on the concrete as I held my hand on it's forehead and a bright light flickered throughout it. I killed it. Only now I was left alone in the dark on an unknown road with Castiel nearly dying.
  "Y/n-" He mumbled as I ran to his side and held my hands over where he had been stabbed, blood seeping through my fingers.
  "Fuck!" I cried, running my hand through my hair and looking around for anyone as I held my other hand over his wound. I didn't know what to do. I had never healed an angel before, especially not when I'm running so low on angel juice.
  "Just stay awake, ok! I'm going to call Dean, a-and he can help us, alright?!" I stuttered nervously to him as he laid solemnly on the ground. I shakily reached for my phone in my pocket and called Dean, my hand trembling as I held it up to my ear.
"What's up?" He asked when he answered.
  "Dean I need help." I began to cry into the phone."
"Woah, woah what happened?!"
"Cas, h-he got stabbed. Dean I-I don't know what to do." I sobbed into the phone, still holding one hand over Castiel's wound. He was no longer conscious, but still breathing.
  "Is he... Alive?"
"Yes, yeah he's breathing, but he was stabbed with an angel blade. Dean I don't know how to heal him I haven't done that before."
"Alright y/n, let's take a few deep breathes. Where are you?"
"I'm on the main road when you take a left out of our motel. We got attacked by a few monsters, that's when he got stabbed."
"If I give you our location, do you think you can zap you and him over here?"
"Yeah, I think so." I sniffled.
"Okay. We are still in the same state,  West Road off of I92N, heading northeast near the Pine Ridge Train Station."
He said, and within seconds we were in the back seat of his car.
"How's he holding up, Ben already left, we're heading to a friend that can help us now."
"His face is getting pale. How did he not die, it was a fucking angel blade?!"
"He's a tough cookie that's for damn sure, but for now that not our problem, our problem is getting him healed."
  I was holding his face in my hands as his eyes began to flicker, I converted to covering his wound with my jacket.
"Cas?" I asked, hopes rising. He grabbed my hand.
"Pass me the knife." He said, gesturing to the one on the seat beside me. I willingly handed it to him, and before I knew it he made a small cut on my neck and held a tiny test-tube looking glass near the cut as a blue mist left me. I felt a flush of relief as he capped it and handed it to me.
  "Your grace." He said softly as I held my hand up to my neck. He was growing paler by the second.
  "Cas... I couldn't care less about that right now, I need to know if your ok."
  I whimpered as a tear rolled down my cheek.
  "C'mon baby! Not now!" Dean shouted, slapping his hand on the wheel of Impala. The car... of course... ran out of gas.
  Sam was leaning over the front seat trying to help.
  "I love you guys." Castiel whispered as his eyes closed.
  "Cas. Cas! No don't fucking do this to me Cas wake up! Wake up god dammit I'm not doing this without you!"
  Dean was opening the back seat of the car attempting to help as well.
  I was slapping Cas's chest as I screamed his name, Dean pulling me out of the back seat of the car.
  "CASTIEL PLEASE! I LOVE YOU CAS PLEASE WAKE UP!!" I cried on the ground. I sobbed into Dean's shoulder as Sam checked Cas' pulse. He shook his head at Dean. He held me tightly in his arms as I broke down, both of them shedding a faint tear as well. A black imprint of wings painted the car around him... He was gone.



Well hey there guys. Honestly I have to say that I cried writing the end of this chapter, but just keep reading it's all good💁🏼

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