Chapter 14: All-Mighty

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I stood in confusion at the unknown man in the room, and at the fact that Sam was holding Dean back as he stared angrily at the man.
"Crowley" Cas murmured. The man stood with his hands in his pockets.
"Who are you?" I asked, walking closer to him. I held my hand up at the three boys behind me to shush their bickering.
"Oh deary, I'm only your brothers dearest friend! Ok, Ok... you got me there. The names Crowley." He began. I stared at him intimidatingly.
"That doesn't answer my question. Who are you?" I asked again, more eagerly. I could see Cas wanted to say something, along with Sam and Dean, but I gave them a fierce look telling them not to speak.
"Who am I? Who am I?! Jesus Christ you would think for a Winchester you'd have more wit about you love!"
His words turned into a temper-like yelling.
"I'm the bloody fucking King of Hell!" He shouted. I crossed my arms and walked up close to him, which I could tell he was thrown off by.
   "Don't give me an attitude."
I demanded. Not only did I surprise every one in the room by answering like that so quickly, but I surprised myself. I just gave the king of hell and order... Yikes.
"Excuse me?" He said, smirking and walking even closer to me. I opened my mouth to get ready to talk, but Castiel tried to stop me.
"Y/n, don't-"
He began, but I already started my big long speech for this jerk infront of me
  "Ok, 'Crowley'... First things first I think I need to set some things straight. I may have just met you, but I damn well know that your little "excuse me" isn't going to intimidate anyone because if you were going to kill me, you would've done it already. Second of all, I don't very much appreciate you coming in here giving me an attitude, cause oh buddy I'm far different from my brothers, and that shit doesn't roll with me, and besides that, I didn't need your help getting rid of a baby for me..."
   Everybody stared at me. Either I'm on my period or I just grew a pair of big ass balls because I don't think I have ever said something like that to a person with such greater power than me.
   Crowley stood there speechless along with all the other men in the room.
"U-uhm... Y/n, why don't we go cool off a bit?" Dean said, grabbing my arm and walking me towards the front door of the motel as Crowley glared angrily at me.
   Dean closed the door behind us and turned quickly to face me. I felt a little nervous since I knew a reprimanding was soon to come.
"Do you have any idea what you just did?!" He scolded me, I sunk down into my shirt and gave a nervous, yet innocent grin.
  "I dunno Dean, it just came out of me!"
  I pleaded, he just scratched his head and sighed.
"No more of that, ok y/n.... He is some serious shit that I don't want to deal with again."
  I nodded and went back inside.
The awkwardness of the moment was intense, as we all sat there quietly at Dean and I's arrival. Sam decided to speak up, thankfully.
"So, Crowley... Why are you here anyways?"
  He asked as I walked over next to Cas.
  "Well if you must know, I have the information as to why everyone is after little-miss princess over here." He said to us, all ears went over to him.
  "Let me guess, there's a catch to this isn't there."
  Dean said sternly. Crowley smirked.
  "Why are we jumping to conclusions so soon Dean, I was actually going to be the good guy for once, unless... You have a problem with that?"
  Crowley began, I rolled my eyes and was about to say another derogatory exclamation, but Dean looked at me and I knew not to.
  "You see, I like you, y/n... You've got a lot of, how do you say this? Spark. So therefore I'm not going to send you dilly-dallying across the country. The reason your the $100 dollar prize on the "return" list is because they need you."
  He said. I looked up at Castiel concernedly, but he held my hand to relax me.
  "What, why?" I asked him, still a bit concerned.
  "Well if you want the truth, all of those nasty pesks want a slice of your cake... If you know what I mean."
He began to tell us. I felt disgusted at what he was telling us.
  "Your saying that these jackasses after my sister only want to knock her up?!" Dean demanded.
"There is reasoning behind it, though. You see, as it says in the prophecy, y/n over here is supposed to be the birth-mother of a more powerful being in this universe, don't ask me why. But besides the fact, all in relation with this being shall be granted their own little "pass go" through the rest of time, you could say... You can see why somebody would want to be the parent of that baby." I looked at Crowley as he spoke. I was growing impatient.
  "Ok, Ok can we take a second here. You can't just throw all this information at us in the snap of a finger. Your saying that I am supposed to give birth to some all-mighty human?"
  I asked him, leaving Castiels side. He nodded.
  "So then why does everyone want to... Ya know..." I questioned. Crowley laughed.
  "They all want to be the baby-daddy of this thing, but what they don't know is that even if they did knock you up, so to say, it wouldn't work." He told us. Sam, Dean, Cas, and I were all exchanging looks of curiosity with eachother.
  "And why exactly would it not work?" Sam asked.
  "There are two reasons for that. Reason number one, you aren't strong enough yet, love. This baby isn't supposed to be coming for another few years or so. Reason number two, the father of the baby can't be just any person." I was now sitting on the edge of the bed trying to process everything.
  "Ever wonder why heaven and hell has been trying to separate the two of you little vermins?" Crowley suggested, referring to Castiel and I. I looked up at Castiel as we both then turned our heads in Crowley's directions.
  "Your not saying..." Cas began.
  "Oh yes, boy. I'm saying that you two are destine to be the parents of the strongest human ever born." I looked behind me towards Sam and Dean, who were both shocked. I turned to face Crowley once again.
  "You said you looked into the prophecy, so do you have any other information. What year, a name, anything?" I asked him. Castiel, I could tell, was a little distraught at the situation, so I though it'd be best if I did most of the talking.
  "I've got a gender and a name, that's it." He said, I gestured waiting to hear it.
  "Well?" I insisted.
"It's a girl, and the name..." He began, although I cut him off.
  "C-... Caelestra? That's the name, right?"
I asked. Everyone in the room looked at me. Crowley nodded with a strange look.
"Y-yes... How did you know that?" Crowley asked questionably.
  "I don't know how else to explain this, but... My mom whispered that name in my ear." I said.
  "But, isn't your mother dead..." Castiel asked me.
"Dead, not burned though." Sam said.
"Yeah... I visited her grave earlier and she showed up, she whispered that name in my ear before I left and told me everything would be alright..."
  I told them. Crowley then broke the moment.
  "Well kiddos, it was a nice get together, but I'm afraid I've got to go." He said before flying off. The four of us stood silently in the room, not knowing what to say. "Well that's one way to leave an awkward situation..." Dean added.
  "Dinner sound good?" I asked, attempting to be the icebreaker. There were silent nods of agreement as we walked out to the car to drive off.
  Cas and I got into the backseat as usual.
  "That was eventful..." Cas announced aloud.
  "Ya think?" Dean replied sarcastically. I leaned forward over the front seat and slid a tape into the radio of the car.
  "Ok, we all know that today was... Well... It was just one of those days. I say we drop it for now and get drunk, how about you guys?" I exclaimed before starting the first song on the tape. Dean smiled.
  "Well we k ow you didn't get that positive attitude from our dad now don't we." He chuckled, tapping his fingers on the wheel and looking back at me through the blindside mirror. I gave a little innocent smile and cranked up the volume on the radio. The rest of the night we drank more than frat boys on the fourth of July and shook off the stressful day that we had. I'm still thinking about it though... Am I really going to have a baby with Castiel...?

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