6 - Keep It Too Yourself Please

Start from the beginning

              I stopped there, feeling I’d ranted too much and not wanting to have to relay it all anyway. Sebastian was just staring at me, this weird look on his face, like he couldn’t believe it. Well, I haven’t lied to him yet, so he better be-fucking-lieve me!

             “So, you accidentally tripped Flora Harkin…by…‘trying to survive’?” He quoted me, his eyes squinting up as he tried to understand. I nodded, agitated. Didn’t I just say that?
            He shook his head. “Wow…you are fucking crazy, psycho, fucking crazy. You gave Flora Harkin a bump…”

             “What the hell’s the big deal with her anyways?” I interrupted. He kept saying her name like she was revered or something, like she was important. I’d never heard of her before, and I’m pretty sure I’d remember someone telling me about any mammoth She-Beasts in the school.

              His eyes boggled again. “You don’t know who Flora Harkin is?!”

             “Not since today,” Obviously.

               Sebastian literally facepalmed, and had it not been him and I had I not been so pissed I might have laughed. “Flora Harkin is a beast,” He began.

                “No shit, Sherlock!”

                 He glowered at me and continued. “Flora Harkin used to be on the girls’ Rugby team. She’s a fucking animal. She totally kicked ass until she got kicked off your some major technical against another team.”

                 My face paled. “What’d she do?”

                “I dunno, some chick pissed her off so she closed-lined her and then kicked her a bunch in the face. Chick’s windpipe was crushed and she lost like eight teeth or somethin’. Needed reconstructive surgery for her face.”

                 Oh fuck. Crushed windpipe. Eight teeth. Reconstructive surgery. A chill shot up my spine. Sebastian noticed my expression and laughed. “Ooo, not so sure of youself now, are ya psycho?”

                  I glowered at him. “Just shut up, will you?” And with that I turned and walked away from him. Ugh, he’s so annoying! I could have gone my whole damn day without knowing that everyone was whispering and laughing over that damned video!!

                  I feel someone beside me and look over, and then immediately scowl to see it’s Sebastian. He smirks evilly back at me. “Telling you to shut up almost means leave me alone,” I said.

                 His smirk drops a little because he grimaces at me, obviously irritated with me. Good. Shithead can understand the feeling. He keeps walking beside me and then is looking down at something as we walk. I follow his gaze, and seem him watching my feet. “What are you loo–”

                 Sebastian kicks out one of his feet and it catches one of mine, tripping me! I stumble and curse at the same time. “Shit!”

                  I catch myself and Sebastian is laughing at me. After I regain my balance my face is red because I can hear people around us laughing too. I fumingly reach out to try and punch him. He dances easily away, sniggering at my attempt at revenge.

                 “God! You’re such an asswipe! How does anyone stand to be around you?”

                  Sebastian grins at me as he skips out of the way from another of my punches. “They don’t,” He said, and this catches me off guard. He smiles wider at my confused expression.

I'm The Geek Who Slapped A Football Player.Where stories live. Discover now