Ch. 17 I need a camera..

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Hey guys! :D I decided I'm not quite ready to go back to Amey's POV...mostly because I love Nathan <3 hahahahaha, I mean...... write ad Nathan... That's what I meant *cough* I'm certainly not fan girling over my own character or anything.... Here ya go!

Ch. 17 I need a camera.. 

Nathan's POV

About five minutes after she closed her eyes she slapped my hand that was under hers and said

"Why can't I sleeeeeep" 

I just chuckled as she looked at me with her crystal purple eyes 

"The door to dreamland's locked?" I asked her with a smirk

"Open the door! Open the door to dreamland! Pwease Nathan?" she said with the cutest puppy dog face that beat mine by about .... 20 

I tucked a loose strand of her golden hair behind her ear and left my hand there, holding her face. How could someone that seemed so fragile, acted so innocent, have so much power inside of her? She doesn't even comprehend how much influence she has on other people, let alone how much power she has with the elements.

"Hey, Naaaathhaaannn" She said pulling my face to look at her. "I was talking to yooou" she finished as she poked my chest and dropped her hand onto her stomach.

"Ow..." she said continually poking her stomach.

"Stop it Amey, you're gonna break it." I said smiling, I wish I had a video camera for this...

She looked at me with a shocked expression, her mouth forming a little O.... It's like she's 5 years old. I wish I had known her when she was 5, I wish I could have grown up with her....I wish she never left.

"I can break my tummy?!" She exclaimed, making me jump out of my train of thought.

"Actually, your tummy's already broken" I said waiting for her reaction. 

"Huh?" She looked so confused, I wanted to pick her up in my arms and make sure nothing bad ever happened to her. 

"Well, it's like your arm" I said putting her scarred arm in my lap where I sat on the edge of her bed. I traced her scar "It got broken like this." 

Her eyes showed understanding and she pouted "Was this my fault too?" She pouted

"No no no no no, Amey. This was in no way your fault okay?" I responded taking her small face in my hands and bringing her eyes to mine.

"It was Jacobb" I wonder if she even is thinking about him now. What he's done. 

Just seeing her here, okay took my mind off of everything bad for the moment. Just her being okay was all that was important.

She looked like she was deep in thought as she played with the small charm on the necklace she wore. I recognized it as the one I got her. Did she know how much I cared about her even then? Did I really put her off that much by acting cold towards her? I was just scared........I'd never

"Oh!" She exclaimed and almost jumped out of bed.

"I swear. I am going to kill him." She said looking completely serious. "Even if I have to use bunnies." 

I couldn't help but laugh at what she had said, she looked confused and started to laugh along with me.

"You look sleepy" She said when she abruptly stopped laughing 

"Not sleepy, just worried" I said stroking her cheek as she leaned on my hand.

"About what? My tummy?" She looked worried that she was causing me distress.

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