Chapter 29: Attitude

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Sarah's P.O.V

As soon as John and Avery left, I was getting ready to go too. Then I heard him say, "Not so fast."

I paused. In fact he was right. Not so fast. I needed to get some answers and I'm not leaving here without getting them. I turned to face him and glowered at him. His eyebrows shot up at my expression. Well, if he is surprised at my new attitude then I'm keeping it...

"You are right. I won't be leaving until I get answers." I said, sitting on the couch and nodded my head at the seat in front of me asking him to sit. I was taken aback when he did.

"Answers to what?"

"My questions."

"You may ask."

"'May'? I wasn't asking for your permission. I will ask and you will answer."

He smirked. "Watch that mouth."

Ignored that smile and his comment. Not because I didn't care, it was because it made me feel things inside. And those feeling made me feel really uncomfortable.

"How did I end up here?" I asked him. I remember passing out. That's it.

"Well, you just ran out like a lunatic last night and passed out on the middle of the road. I came to get you right on time to save your body from being crushed under someone's car."

He saved my life. Well he could have put me in his car and sent me home. I asked him this. He just said, "Keeping you here saved a lot of trouble for my driver."

"Gee, thanks." I said in sarcastic tone.

"Don't be so ungrateful." He said simply.

"Who was she?" I asked him.

"A nobody. And none of your business now anyway. We're divorced remember?"

"Where's the document? Did you sign it?" I asked him slightly hopefully that he wouldn't have even as I try to bury those feelings.


"Then it is my business still."

"You need to watch that mouth." He said darkly. His eyes were looking at mine intently and his gaze lowered onto my lips. He was making me feel really uncomfortable. I fidgeted slightly.

"What do you mean, when you told your parents that we'll go with them?" I was going to agree anyway because I didn't want to hurt their feelings but still it would be great if I found out his pure intentions. Since I know he never has good intentions, well, not for me anyway.

"To make them happy. It's just going to be two weeks." He looked at me hoping I wouldn't make a fuss. Boy, was he really keen on making his family happy.

"Alright, for them. I love them. So I'll come."

His grey eyes focused on me more like as if he was trying to look into my soul. I got up. He did too. What did he want?

"Look." He started. Uh oh. "We'll just keep things quiet for now about the divorce until we get back from the vacation. Even with your parents."

I simply nodded.

He continued, "And I suggest you should move back in until we go on the vacation because I'm sure my mother would pay frequent unannounced visits like today."

I considered this for a second. I still had my clothes he got for me upstairs. I could stay. I had to not for him, but for his parents. I said, "Okay." And I went upstairs into my room and I shut the door. I remembered something and went down again. He heard me come down the stairs and he looked up. "What is it?" he asked.

"Don't expect me to be your servant, find a housekeeper and a cook." With that I went back upstairs and shut my room door behind me. I seriously didn't know where all this courage was coming from.

I took out my phone and sent Lilly a text about everything that happened on whatsapp. She can read it when she wants to. I kept the phone on the side table and went into the bathroom to take a shower to relax myself and calm down my nerves which was firing up about me being in this house again....

Keith's P.O.V

God, that mouth. Surprisingly I didn't want to slap her or hit her for it. I didn't want to slap her or hit her ever gain after yesterday. When I found her lying there on the road like that and when I saw that car coming... That was the worst feeling in the world. I don't know how to explain it. After I took her in, I didn't feel like it was safe to let her go home. She was crying. The tears had dried up on her cheeks. My gut was twisting. I felt responsible. I hated it. I just asked the girl who was with me to leave. I didn't even know her name. I just wanted to forget...that slap, and well her dancing with some guy and him being so close to her... wait, why should I care? Well, maybe I just felt like having sex that's why I had that girl over.

Today, I was extremely surprised when she said okay to go on the vacation. I really thought she wouldn't. Every time she opened her mouth with an arrogant reply, I kept looking at her lips and I found myself admiring how perfectly they were shaped. I just wanted to press my lips against hers to knock that attitude down and show her that her attitude is not going to be good with me. I hate arrogance. Well, I'm allowed to be arrogant... I just don't like it when others are with me.

Things were getting weirder. I didn't have to ask her to stay. I could've simply lied to my mum that she was staying with her mother for two days, if my mother showed up unexpectedly. Why did I want her to stay? So many unanswered questions about Sarah. I need figure it out by the two weeks. Also despite this new found complications in my mind about her, I need my way to get the most shares out of her father's company. Without having her, that would be impossible. Maybe that's my aim. That's why I'm so worried.

It surely can't be anything else. I know Jacob would have disagreed and told me that I'm hiding my feelings and all that but that's bullshit. I don't have feelings for her. I certainly don't...

I went to grab my laptop that I had left in my room and I saw her seated in front of the piano, in the drawing room, upstairs. She was wearing a white dress that came up to her mid thighs. She was attempting to play Fur Elise, which was the simplest piece ever. Since I've learnt to play since I was five. I've never touched the piano since I started being obsessed with my electric guitar which I learnt to play in high school. Well, it's time I polished up my old schools. I found myself walking to her. She was facing away from me, I leaned over her and placed my fingers gently over hers, I felt her body stiffen against mine. She smelt like fresh lavender. My lips slowly touched her ear. I gently stroked the keys with her fingers and started playing...

Author's note: Hey guys... since you all wanted a longer update here it is J I hope you all like this one. Sarah, is finally growing some backbone. And Keith is finally realizing that there is something inside his heart or is he just using her to get her father's company? Well stay tuned to find out ;) and Thank you so much for all your support and votes and comments. It really means a lot to me. I know I made Sarah a very helpless character but that's how she is. And Keith is harsh and that's how he is. It's just starting to get interesting... and everything is changing... Please comment, vote and recommend if you like it.

Love, Essy <3

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