Chapter 10: Blood and Gore

Start from the beginning

"What is it, Dyesebel?" He asked, slightly annoyed by the male's rotten stench. His brown and green scaled gill slits were a bit clogged, needing the Siyokoy to breathe through his mouth, creating the gas, lethal to human kind, but only slightly dizzying to other supernaturals.

"Why did you let the Zemid go? He could be useful to us in the long run." The Siyokoy whined.

Stheno rolled his eyes, not wanting to tell the man his plan, but knowing, if he would not, then the lowly one would keep on his trail for days, demanding answers. "Because, you stupid human. He needs to be with his mate. You do not know the pull of our fated, for your gods have stripped you of the privilige, but believe me, it is almost unbearable, to not be in their presence constantly. Therefore, I let him go in good faith that he shall return one day, for he has tasted the blood now and he knows hunting in packs is much safer than hunting alone. At that time, I expect his destined to join us as well. Understand now, Dyesebel?"

The Siyokoy nodded reluctantly, turning around and headed towards the ship's rear as Stheno turned back to the sea, watching intently, waiting for Jon to return to the life of blood and gore.



Glaucus was a Greek prophetic seagod, born mortal and turned immortal upon eating a magical herb. It was believed that he commonly came to the rescue of sailors and fishermen in storms, having once been one himself. (Wikipedia) <- I took the name Glaucus, wanting to give it a bit of a special twist. Since people being turned into sea creatures are most commonly known as mermaids or mermen, I wanted a special name for people who are now not-so-much-people-anymore, since mermaids and mermen are one of the Ocean's native dwellers.

Stheno in Greek mythology, was the eldest of the Gorgons, vicious female monsters with brass hands, sharp fangs and "hair" made of living venomous snakes. The daughter of Phorcys and Ceto, she was born in the caverns beneath Mount Olympus. She and her sister Euryale were both immortal, and the third sister, Medusa, was mortal until she was immortalized in her hideousness by Athena. (Wikipedia) <- My twist? Well, Stheno's (from my story) mother was really into naming her children after their famous ancestors and that is how Eminem (the person who would play Stheno, so you may better imagine his gorgeous self) got a fairly girly name. Which I don't think is girly, but okay. Greeks and their names, am I right? Everything sounds fierce and ready for battle over there!

Siyokoy(Philippine Mythology) are mermen, sea creatures that have a human form and scaled bodies. The Siyokoy is the male counterpart of the Sirena. The lower extremities of a Philippine merman can either be a fishtail or scaled legs and webbed feet. They could also have long, green tentacles. They drown mortals for food. Siyokoys have gill slits, are colored brown or green, and have scaly skin, comparable to that of a fish. (Wikipedia) <- Not really much added, I mean, I quite liked the idea of a lowly fish in the sea - people have 3rd world, well, fish have Siyokoy and such.

Titans were a primeval race of powerful deities, descendants of Gaia (Earth) and Uranus (Sky), that ruled during the legendary Golden Age. They were immortal giants of incredible strength and were also the first pantheon of Greek gods and goddesses. (Wikipedia) <- My only twist, which is probably not even a twist is Titans' need for blood. They were already blood thirsty during war, so i figured adding the need to drink human blood (as a treat and to help replenish or gather power).


Okay, so, the chapter is up! I shall see you next week (but a little down the road, expect me on Thursday or something, you know - school -.-)

Tell me, did you epxect this? I know I did xD (WOW SHOCKER!:O)

This weeks dedication goes to charlie1974 for liking ALMOST EVERY CHAPTER OF Classy and Sassy, two of my other stories. I mean, WOW! Thank you so much!:*

Tell me some of your thought on the chapter, what you missed, do you find the "Dictionary" helpful, do you want more of it, or do you want me to stop? - Whatever works for you, darlings.

Also, one more thing. Meters are a close to inches, I just come from a country that doesn't use inches and such, so that there is no confusion here.

What can I say, but please vote, comment and follow my sexy ass. If you don't, I'll find you and stalk you untill you do! That's a promise. (If I do not come, please remember, I may stalk your kids ;D) Kidding. #maybe

Hah xD I'm losing my mind over here, so vote, to get me better! O.o

Love y'all and see you in the next chapter or on your comment, you know I'll reply.

 P.S.: The photo to the side is our dear Marcus. Isn't he just lovely? :3

Ta ta! <3

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