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Questions went through my head. I look around for paper and something to write with. I found some and started writing to Harry about being in a coma in the US and how I'll be back soon. I did a tweet whistle and my Phoenix appeared. I give it to her and she flashes out.
"Was that a Phoenix?" A boy asked.
"It's my familiar." I said tapping my fingers. I changed into a Phoenix. My 'Father' walked in.
When he didn't see me I looked around very fast. While I follow his movements with the boy.
"What are you doing?" The boy asked.
"Where is she. We need to find her. She can help fight." My Father said.
I turn back human knowing everyone saw.
"My whole life is a fight. Since I was born. What needs to be fought. Because I have an issue of not being able to leave when someone needs help. Even if I'm annoyed by them." I said quietly. The boy that came earlier grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a direction of a group of kids sitting on the beach.
"Hey this is my half sister. Her name is Holly. And she will be helping and has the same fatal flaw as Percy." The boy said.
"Woah now way a child of Zeus has a fatal flaw of personal loyalty?" Said angelfish boy. I tilt my head and son I look like him. I lit my hands on fire and laughed. Everyone stared at me wide.
"Dang I look smoking hot." The boy said.
My familiar popped in front of me with three letters. And one howler. I changed back and grabbed the letters. I open the howler.
Holly Weasley Fleamont!
What exactly did you do when you were only to be there for a day and end up missing for almost two years!
The Minister is really worried. He finally came out that he adored you like a daughter! Anyways once you come back you are seriously going to get hexed and the minister is thinking of grounding you on house arrest. Oh and please hurry home. I miss you so much. My creature has been restless. I can sense your pain.
The howler ripped itself up. I sigh and looked up into the sky and mumble some curses. I looked down to see the group and camp staring at me. I give a small wave.
"What was that." A blonde haired girl asked.
"That was my creatures twin in other words we are twins from different parents. We can speak at the same time. Speak to each other in our minds. And do the same thing at the same time also knowing if the other is in trouble or hurt or even dying. And well that was my warning. And the minister is the minister of Magic who I had contact with since I was nine I believe while I was giving him advice on how to govern the wizardry world and the problems in it." I said.
"But you were only nine." A boy with sea green eyes said opened mouthed. The others nodded in agreement.
I rolled my eyes.
"I was never a kid. I had my first job when I was three delivering papers. And cleaning shops. I opened my first orphanage when I was seven. I sold my first design and product when I was five. That's also when I became the richest person in England. Most money goes to the Orphanages so the kids can get new cloths and food. I came to the us to check on the orphanage in New York that I got a letter. In that letter saying from a observer saying that the lady taking care of the kids is abusing the rights of a caretaker. But big dog and bull man later I bumped in kids that my mind is still fuzzy to remember." I said.
I opened the next letter.
I heard that you were in a coma. I was wondering how. Anyways, you will be on house arrest when you come back. Well ministry arrest. You would be stuck by me for a month till it's lifted. Have fun with the freedom you have now.
From your honorary father
I cursed.
I handed to someone and opened the next letter.
Whelp Holly, you seem to piss of the minister. Good job. Have fun America.
I shook my head with a smile. Sirius wrote that letter. I open the last one.
Holly I expect you back here soon or you will be grounded from chocolate and ridding brooms for a month.
Love Remus.
I groaned.
"So ministry arrest huh. I wonder that's going to be like." The elvish boy said in wonder.
I give him a very harsh glare that he flinched away from.
"It going to be were I follow him around. And I'll have to see my old family every dang day for a month. While sitting through meeting with out anything to do." I said.
They look at me with a raised eyebrow.
"Um may have gone through it when I was ten when I pulled a slight prank that resulted in his gender being switched for a week causing several men to ask him out and or give their number." I said scratching my head.
They burst out laughing. A horn sounded three times. They stiffened and rushed to the borders with weapons. I run with them to see a hoard of monsters and a lady with a green dress.
"Who's that." I ask silently.
"The primordial of earth." I got in a reply. I walk casually ten feet away. The women looked at me with a raised eyebrow. While the demigods started at me in shock.
"How are you." I ask.
She looked at me confused.
"Well I'm okay. Apparently I was asleep for a year and some odd months. I heard you were asleep for a while too. What happened to you?" I ask.
"My husband was defeated and I sent to slumber you?" She answered.
"I'm not really sure. It was the same day I was kidnapped by kids then this man claimed to be my Father after I  restrained him. Then it goes fuzzy after that." I said thoughtfully.
"Anyways, why are you hurting yourself?" I asked.
"I'm not hurting myself. What do you mean?" She asked. I sighed.
"Your about to start a war. Trees would be burned. Blood would stain the ground not to mention if a war happens then the earth would take the toll and slowly the earth will die." I said sounding like a know it all.
Her brows are furrowed. She shook her head. And brought out a sword and started charging at me.
"Sorry I thought you can be a good friend." I said disappointed. I lifted my hands above my head and we started lifting up. Everyone is watching.
"When you wake up from your slumber and I'm still alive can we be friends and work together in saving the world. I mean your trying to kill yourself. I'm just hoping when you wake up you change your mind and work to help yourself and stop so many deaths." I said creating a sword.
I can conflict in her eyes.  She nodded and gave me a slash as I block it. This goes on. We both have a number of cuts and bruises. Lightning struck Gaea, Gaea began to slow considerably. I know they are fighting below us.
"Please think about it okay. I'll hopefully see you when you wake up." I said.
"Wait let e gift you. I Gaea primordial of the earth bestow Holly Daughter of Zeus to have hope for the earth. The earth will guide her and protect her. The earth will help her in any way as she has my blessing." She said. She nodded and closed my eyes. I glowed green and I ended her slowly. In the process I was stabbed in my stomach. As she exploded in dust I started falling losing energy. All fights stopped and watched as I fall and Gaea explode into dust. I felt someone catch me as I lose consciousness.
----time skip----
It has been dark. I see memories from when I was one. The things I shouldn't remember, but I did. A sudden light filled the darkness. I felt drawn to it. I started walking towards it. I can hear voices getting louder. When I made it I gasp taking needed air. I held my stomach feeling sick. I felt a hand rubbing my back. I look at the person with dazed eyes.
"Hey Holly. How are you feeling?" What I'm thinking my brother from my father asked.
"Like I'm about to lose my stomach if I eat. Or the fact there is I can't decide if I'm talking to two people or one." I said.
He laughed and helped me up and gave me golden liquid. I took a drink and it tasted like a hamburgers. I downed the rest. I felt better and see better. Then bright light surround us. We landed in a marbled throne room. I conjured a trash can and throw up. I felt someone lift my hair and rub my back. When I finished I vanish the can I look dazedly at my father.
"Who's the smart one to transport someone who just woke up and feeling like their stomach is going to explode from their mouth." I said. Hermes slowly raised his hand.
I sat down in front of my father looking up at him.
"How long has it been?" I asked. "From you know the war?" I ask.
"Three months." I nodded my head.
"Just to let you know I'll be on ministry arrest when I go back to my country." I said.
"Ministry arrest?" My uncle mumbled confused.
"Yeah. I'm a witch. Hectate blessed people she thought is worthy and is her pet world. The ministry is the government of the world. The minister is like the president. Well when I worked into his heart he confessed I'm like his daughter. And when I was in the coma last time I got three letters and a howler saying I was going to be stuck by him and listen and sit in a chair helping him. Trust me I've done it since I was nine." I said.
"What did you do when you were nine?" As a blonde man with bright teeth. He had a curious look.
"I became the richest person in England owning at the time twenty Orphanages and selling four models of brooms in which they use to ride. So I give advise to other ministers and help run the country with the minister and my creatures twin. In which we act like twins. But he's actually my cousin from my moms side of the family." I said. They look at me blinking.
"Okay let the gifting ceremony begin." Dad said.
The seven were offered godship. Every one excepted except Percy. He looked betrayed.
"Do you my Daughter become a major Goddess of earth and a minor goddess of hope?" Dad asked.
"I'm sorry to say this but no. But thank you for the offer. Bye Dad come on Percy we have people to see and a face to gain a smile on." I said dragging Percy out the door.
"So do you have parents?" I asked.
"Yeah my mum Sally and my stepdad Paul." He answered sounding broken.
"Okay" I said pulling us off Olympus. He screamed as we fell. I held him tight and close my eyes imagining his moms compartment door. I felt myself landing on my feet. I open my eyes to a heavy breathing Percy. I smiled apologetic. He calmed down and knocked three times. The door opened to a man with greying hair.
"Percy?!" He said shocked. They hugged. We were invited in.
"Sally honey Percy's home and with a friend." Paul said. A women with brown greying hair walked in. She hugged Percy hard.
She looked at me and gave me a hug.
"Sorry for my rudeness. My name is Holly I'm a daughter of Zeus. Um I'm from England. And a billionaire when I sold products. And Percy here is my comforter. And I threw us off Olympus to get here." I said with a smile. Paul had a smile trying to laugh.
"Yeah thanks for almost thinking I was going to die." He said.
I smiled.
"Your welcome. Anyways you need to smile more. I was trying to loosen you up." I said.
"You do realize you turned down To be a goddess and and practically dragged me out of the meeting without doing formalities to them." He said.
"Yeah well if you were in a coma for a year then to wake up and fight the earth then back into a coma for three months and then transported to them. You will probably do the same." I said with all seriousness.
"Anyways. My own half brother and all them that I though were my family that actually cared accepted godhood leaving me just like everyone else did in my family. I raised my self since I was two. And abused and neglected since I was born. I thought I found family I found one that cared." I said looking at Percy with hope.

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