Dinner and study

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Holly's P.o.v.
"Harry you hungry?" I ask.
He nods his head fast.
"Pinky" I said.
Pinky popped up.
"Hello Holly something happen didn't it." She asked.
"Yes me and Harry had our food doused with the loyalty potion. Can you fix me and him some pizza or something what do you think Harry?" I asked him.
He had a confused face.
"You haven't tried pizza before. Okay I'm definitely kidnapping you to my house. Pinky get us a cheese pizza. Also some ranch dip in case. Also two doctor peppers." I said. She nodded and popped out.
"Get out your potions book were studying." I said to him.
He nodded and got his potions book. I accio'ed mine. Smite is on her perch in the room and Caleb is laying by the fire. Harry came back and we started reading. I told him about ingredients. What were used for. And where they are found. Pinky came back and we ate as we studied. He loved it. Snape came into the common room as we were discussing a potion. He looked at the pizza and then to the books.
"Do you want a slice Professor I'm sure we won't mind sharing. Dumbledore drugged our food in the great hall so I thought we can study while eating." I said. Harry nodded with.
"You do know it is about one in the morning and you have classes tomorrow. And yes I'll take a slice he does the same to mine." Professor Snape said. I smiled and hand him the box.
"Come on Harry we are going to falling asleep in class if we don't fall asleep anytime soon." I said. I closed my book and Harry did also. "Caleb come" I said. The lion picked himself away from the fire and stood next to me. We walked to our separate rooms. I changed and went to bed with a alarm set a hour before everyone else. I went to sleep that night smile that I made a friend and family.

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