The connection

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It was dark. There was a single small light so far away. I started to walk towards it. Then I heard noises behind me. I turn around to see nothing. I started running faster to the light. But it looks like I'm not getting closer.
"Hello Holly Fleamont I like this connection we have."
"Well I don't." I said.
"Come Holly see through my eyes." He said back.
All of a sudden I'm seeing a family tied up. Pictures behind them not moving showing that they are muggle.
He kills everyone one of them.
"Was that fun it was for me." The man said.
I feel sick, nauseous even. Then I felt a zap of electricity hitting me.
"I could save them." I repeated in a murmur.
"Save who?" A guy asked. My breathing quickened.
"Sorry my name is Chiron. I'm the activities director here at camp." The man said.
"Muggle were murder by the person who gave me this scar. We have a connection sense he tried killing with the killing curse." I trembled out.
The man that was poring things in my mouth came into the tent. He saw me awake and jogged towards me.
"How's my sister doing." He asked.
"I just watched a muggle family get murdered and I couldn't do anything to stop it. It worse that the person who gave me this huge scar can get into my head and break it till I reach insanity." I said.
"Maybe we can break the connection." The man said.
"I have a question. If I'm really your sister and that dude was really my father what about my horrible twin brother that helped with the abuse he almost killed me?" I ask.
The mans face went into shock.
"You have a twin?" I was asked slowly.
"Yup the bloody idiot was always the attention lover. He got presents and loads of food. While I lived in a attic with holes and cloths that are eaten my moths and spider. And I could only eat left over scraps. But he would always eat it all." I said. "He can't even pass a class to save his life." I said.
"Sorry to hear that. Um do you know how long your were asleep?" I was asked.
"A night." I said.
"No try a year." The man said. 
"No what about my businesses. My brother Griphook he's a goblin he helped raised me. And my cousin we have a twin speak it's because our creatures are twins." I said.

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