Seven years old

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Holly's P.o.v.
It's now been three years since that trip to Gringotts. Griphook my brother has been investing my money carefully. I can now say I'm richer than my so called parents. I barely eat anything and it's starting to show. My cheeks sucken in. I look like a walking skeleton. However on the weekends when I go to the bank to drop off money Griphook makes me eat. A lot!
It's my Birthday and I'm now seven. I went to diagon alley I delivered the usual papers and went back to Mrs. Fizwiggin. She paid me and gave my a hug and kiss. I hugged her back and went to Gringotts. I went to Griphook he saw me and beckoned me forward. We went to his office.
"Alright Holly my birthday present to you is your getting emancipated. But you need a new last name that comes from your ancestors." He said I was bouncing in my seat.
"Um can I be a be a Fleamont. My egg suppliers maiden name is Prewitt. Which is related to Potter family. But Harry has that name. So I pick Fleamont which is a distant ancestor." I said. He smiled and nodded. He said words then I glowed. There was a parchment and a blood quill. I signed on the line and a new birth certificate came. I am now Holly Fleamont. He gave me a ring for the Fleamont head of house since it was an extinct line. I claimed it and accio'd my so little things. Griphook gave me the address to my manor. I appeariated to the manor not recalling that I just appeariated out of Gringotts that was marked impossible. I walked in the house and called the house elves.
"Pinky is at service my lady."
"Chuffle is at service to mistress."  They said.
"Okay let's get you two better cloths. Then we will get started on everything else." I said. I wave my hand and Pinky is wearing a pink dress. Chuffles is wearing a suit.
"Alright I'm going to need help fixing this place up. So let's get started. I got third floor. Chuffles you got ground floor. Pinky you have 2nd floor let's get it shining." I said.
—---------time skip---------—
After many hours we got this place looking brand new. I then went to unpack and change into pjs.
"Chuffles Pinky can you fix me a hamburger patty no bread. Please. Can I also have apple juice." I asked. They nodded. They then popped away. This is the best birthday so far.

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