"You guys came from Vegas? They must've have had you knocked out for a while to get all the way here."

Violet shuddered. The thought of being asleep for all that time made her uncomfortable. She had some questions so she changed the topic. "So how do you know everything around here, Nicolas?"

Aiden released his grasp of the boy's arm. "I'm actually curious too."

"Fine. Can you set me down first?" They both sat him down against a tree trunk. After finding the right position to get comfy, he took a deep breath like he was about to give them a giant speech. "I used to be an intern there. I worked with the Silvers in the laboratory."

They were all shocked. Who would've thought he worked for them?

"You see, they make themselves pretty known in the science industry and there was a rumor going around saying they've been cooking up something big." A cough interrupted him followed by a sneeze. "Sorry about that." He wiped his nose. "Anyway I was intrigued so when they sent out internship forms, a nerd like me signed up right away. The people you saw with me in the cells were all interns too. We thought it was so exciting at first, but things took a dark turn." Concern shot across his face. He took another deep breath like it took too much energy to speak. "They began pulling us one by one for their so-called special experiments. We thought it was nothing until we realized that none of the selected interns were returning. It was required for us to live there with the provided beds and food, and the gate was always locked so we had no chance of leaving. While I was still safe, I found out that they built an emergency exit tunnel underneath the boulder."

"So why didn't you leave right then?" Aiden asked.

He sighed. "Because by the time I knew about it, they took me in right after. It was too late."

"What did they do to you guys there?"

Nicolas scrunched his nose in disgust. "The things they were working on. It...it was incredibly complex. It was too gruesome." He began to shake. "It may sound crazy to you, but what they wanted was...I can't even say it."

Aiden raised his hand. "Let me guess. Vampires?"

He widened his eyes. "W-what? How did you know?"

A shrug. "I know a thing or two."

"Did they do the same to you too? Did they try to change you? Turn you?" Sweat rolled off his forehead down to his chin.

"Hey, you okay man? Chill." Aiden watched the boy closely.

"I can't!" he yelled. "They did stuff to me and nothing worked. The other interns are still back there being tortured. My friends...Sofia, I need to save them." He began to sob gently. "God, I'm so selfish. I left them there to rot. I have to go back!" He struggled to stand and then paced around. "I have to do something." He grabbed a stick and broke it in half. "I'm going back."

Aiden laughed. "Don't be serious."

"I'm not joking. I'm leaving right now. I have to return."

His sudden change of character scared Violet. She pulled Aiden back and whispered, "What do we do? We can't let him go alone like this. He looks like he might collapse any second."

His reply was quick since the thought had already crossed his mind. "The kid probably won't even make it by the time we find a way out. He'll also die if he attempts to go back. Either way he'll be dead. There's no point." He dug his fingers into the back pocket of his jeans. "Damn, they're still here." Smirking, he pulled out a cigarette and lighter to his lips.

The smell of tobacco and smoke flew into Violet's face causing her to turn away. "So then what do we do?"

More smoke. "Simple. I use him. You don't do anything."

She crossed her arms. "What do you mean, use him?"

He continued smoking and didn't answer. It was self-explanatory. He didn't have to say much. When she finally realized what he meant, her jaw dropped. "No. You can't just drink him. That's wrong."

"He's just going to die. It would be a waste not to."

Nicolas mumbled to himself, "I can't make it back by myself." Paranoid, he started to yell, "Guys, you have to help me! You have to help me get back there!"

One final puff and the cigarette flew to the ground. While stepping on it Aiden whispered, "I'm doing it."

Violet opened her mouth to object. She wanted to stop it, but what could she do? It was wrong, yes, but he had a point. It was better to make use of him instead of letting him die untouched. No objections. All she did was nod, walking away quietly.

Aiden truthfully didn't want to do it. The boy wasn't healthy, meaning there wasn't much to gain. But something was better than nothing, right? He waited for Violet to leave out of sight before going in for the kill.

"You're taking me back, aren't you?" Nicolas looked innocently into his eyes.

Feeling a tad bit guilty, he apologized, "I'm sorry I can't."

The boy went furious and began to run away. Unfortunately, it wasn't long before he was caught. Crack. A quick snap of the neck, and it was all over. Nicolas was officially dead.

He stared at the empty corpse and cursed. "Damn it," Aiden mumbled, wiping the blood off his lips. There wasn't anything he could use to burn the body, so instead he buried it under a pile of leaves and branches.

The sky was dark when Violet and Aiden finally left the park. It was too late for any hikers to stick around and they were stuck in the middle of nowhere.

"There's literally no sign of human life out here. Do you think we have to walk down this road all night?" Violet asked.

He shrugged. "Looks like there's no other option."

The only light that shone was from the moon above. Quietly, they walked side by side, shivering through the cold air. Strangely, the more they continued, the more the road appeared endless.

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