“Tell me Liam.” I grabbed his face and he stared into my eyes. There were sadness and tears in his eyes.

“Niall should be the one to tell you.” 

“Tell me. You’re like an older brother for me. Tell me now.”

“I think Niall is cheating on you.” Tears brimmed in my eyes.

“How do you know?” My voice cracked.

“He’s been texting someone called Emily. Please don’t say anything. I’ve just been reading through his messages and it looks pretty serious.”

“What do you mean serious?” 

“You shouldn’t be telling you. Don’t saying anything to Niall.” Liam got up and left the room.

I began to cry, tears streaming down my eyes. We had been through a lot of crap together and now he’s cheating on me. I thought we would be ‘forever young’. Doesn’t look like it anymore. I began to throw everything around my room, releasing anger and stress.

I think someone heard my cries and destruction, because I heard someone slam a door. I pulled out my phone to call Nan. I crawled onto my bed, pulling the blankets on me.

“Ruby?” Nan’s called through the receiver.

My voice cracked. “ I-I n-ne-need y-you to come pick me up.” 

“I’ll be there right away. I’ll come inside to get you and speak to Harry. He’s in trouble now.”

“Dad didn’t do anything, I need you to talk to Niall about something.” I cried.

“Anything for you. I’ll see you in 5 minutes. Love you.” I hung up the phone and there was a slight knock at the door. 

“Go away.” I muttered, but the door still opened. Niall came inside holding onto a plate with a piece of pizza. 

“Harry thought you might be hungry.” Niall placed the pizza onto my bed, keeping his eyes on the ground.

“I don’t want anything from you or anyone.” 


“I just want to be left alone.” I spat at him.


“Just stop with the questions and leave me alone!”

“I want to know what’s wrong!” Niall raised his voice.

“Okay, you want to know my problem! My problem is you! Liam told me you’re cheating on me and I hate you!” I stood up on the bed, screaming at him.

“You would really take Liam’s word over mine? What if I wasn’t cheating on you? Maybe Liam is lying to you!” Niall shoved me, causing my legs to collapse. My body fell to my bed, while my head hit the edge of the bed side. It hurt so much, tears started to pour without my control.

“I would take Liam’s word over yours any day!” I sobbed. Niall gripped my wrists tightly, sending shock waves to my head.

“Of course you would take his word over mine! You don’t even trust me! Do everyone and everything a favor and just leave and don’t bother anyone with your problems! We are sick and tired of you and I’m pretty sure Harry regrets adopting you!” Niall screamed at me, I’m guessing nearly everyone heard what we were saying because there was a loud noise of footsteps coming towards the bedroom door.

“We’re coming in!” Liam’s voice yelled. Liam, Bella, Nan and Dad ran inside. Bella and Nan coming straight towards me and Liam and Dad going for Niall. Niall’s hands were let go off my wrists and on them were the shape of his hands on them.

I sobbed into Nan’s chest, while Bella wrapped her hands around me. 

“Ruby, it will be alright.” Bella spoke, I stopped sobbing and fell into a deep dream. My head felt numb.

Anne’s POV

I walked straight into Harry’s place and into the living room. I found Harry, Liam and Bella munching on some pizza while watching ‘Embarrassing Bodies’. Ruby was no where to be seen and neither was Niall.

“Harry. Edward. Styles.” I grabbed the remote and switched off the telly.

“Mum! What are you doing here?” Harry wiped his mouth, looking over to Bella and Liam with wide eyes.

“I just got a phone call about 10 minutes ago from a very distressed Ruby. Where is Niall?” 

“He took some pizza up to Ruby. Liam said she was a bit tired so she had a lie down. Right Liam?” Liam’s eyes widen, he nodded and looked worried.

“Well, that’s crap! She called me to say she wanted to be picked up because Liam told her Niall was cheating on her.”

As I opened my mouth to say something else, I could hear screaming from the room above us.

“I want to know what’s wrong!” Niall’s voice yelled.

“Okay, you want to know my problem! My problem is you! Liam told me you’re cheating on me and I hate you!” Ruby screamed back.

“You would really take Liam’s word over mine? What if I wasn’t cheating on you? Maybe Liam is lying to you!” There was a big bang and more yelling.

“I would take Liam’s word over yours any day!”

“Of course you would take his word over mine! You don’t even trust me! Do everyone and everything a favor and just leave and don’t bother anyone with your problems! We are sick and tired of you and I’m pretty sure Harry regrets adopting you!”

I ran upstairs, following was Liam, Harry and Bella. Why was Niall being so rude and tough to Ruby? Hopefully he hadn’t hurt her.

“We’re coming in!” Liam shouted as we reached the door. Harry opened the door, and we found Ruby sobbing, Niall gripping her wrists so tight and that Ruby’s head had a purple, red mark on it. I ran to Ruby with Bella and Liam and Harry went to Niall.

They dragged Niall out of the room. 

“Ruby, it will be alright.” Bella spoke, Ruby stopped sobbing and went limb in my chest.

* * *

Sorry it took ages to upload and write! 

I've been having some problems and stuff going on in my life, so I couldn't update.

Thank you all for reading, voting, commenting and keeping update to date!

I would like to say a very big hello to all my friends from around the world reading this! I finally get to meet one of my British friends everyone! I can't wait to meet her and show her around Melbourne and where I live!

Also, I have picked a winner for the competition and that very person has been messaged! 

Please if you are the winner, don't post anything on the comments on the side about it.

This weekend, I have a massive party, but I think I'm still going to update! See if I have time!

I love you all and miss you!

~jac_kate~ xx

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