"I don't know. Maybe." I whispered back.

"I think you do. You don't seem like yourself lately. It sucks seeing you like this bro. Make a move!" He replied.

"I'm trying but there's Bethany and the rest of these people." I answered.

"Who cares?! Go for it man. I'll back you up when things go bad. You've never been like this over a girl and that guy seems to be one step ahead so you better hurry." He encouraged me.

He's right and made me realize I do like her.

"I'll still go with you later. Thanks Taylor." I said. Just as I was about to walk to Jezzabelle.

Bethany walked up to me.

"Hey baby." She said.

"Um hi?" I answered.

"Where ya goin'?" She asked me twirling her hair. I wonder if she knows I find that stupid when she does that.

"Just to chat with someone." I said then I looked at Taylor. He just stared thinking of someway to get her away.

"Maybe you should..." Taylor got cut off.

Bethany was dragging me to the corner of the cafeteria and just when we stopped she pushed me against the wall and she kissed me!

"Whoa. No thanks." I pushed her off not making a scene.

"Baby what's wrong?" She asked making puppy dog eyes.

She's really annoying me. Lunch is almost over and I want to talk to Jezzabelle.

"Not right now I gotta go."

"Where? Do you not like me? Everyone likes me. You know you like me." She slapped her hand against wall behind me. Then she made a fake smile. She looked panicked I was interested.

"Im gonna go." I said right when I said that the bell rang.

Gee thanks Bethany.

"Jezzabelle's POV*

I still can't get over the fact that Bethany the demon kissed Jack in front of everyone in the cafeteria. Well me. I think I was the only one that saw. He had pushed her off which made me happy.

But for some reason I still wanted to rip her head off, even besides the fact she's a total bitch.

School was over now and Eli and I drove to the mall, well I drove.

We went into Holister and I got 3 pairs of jeans, 3 pairs of shorts, and 2 tops. Elias bought somethings too because we separated to find what we wanted.

We went into a few more shops then he asked if I wanted ice cream. I said sure and we walked to Baskin Robins.

I stopped walking because I was looking through the windows of the Vans store. Elias didn't seem to notice. I turned to walk forward and bumped into someone.

"Oops sorry. My bad I was window shopping." I said looking down then up.

It was Jack and he was with Taylor who seemed to be standing on the side watching.

"Yeah I'm sorry too." He looked at me right after then we made eye contact. "Oh hey Jezzabelle." He was smiling.

"Hey." I smiled back, " I gotta go catch up with Elias. Yesterday I didn't give you number so you can text me want it now?" I asked before I walked away.

"Uh. Yeah I do actually." He was looking at me still dazed. He handed me his phone and I put it in then caught up with Eli.

Turned back around at smiled at him and he saw.

Wow. I feel... tingly. Is that supposed to happen?

"Hey where'd you disappear to?" Eli asked waiting in line for ice cream

"Oh I just walked into a store to look. Sorry." I said. When he looked away I smirked at my shoes waiting for Jack to text me.

*Elias's POV*

I think she's lying. I saw her by the Vans store one moment then with Jack and Taylor the other.

Did she plan this?

What if Jay likes him? What will happen to me?

I thought she didn't like him. That he was mean.

*Jack's POV*

"Yesterday? What happened yesterday dude?" Taylor asked confused.

"Oh I asked her to the park. No biggie." I said looking away then smiling because I'm proud of myself.

"Seems you've got this. You just need to win her before he does. Ok?" He said.



If there's typos I'm sorry. :(

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