Chapter 3: Knowledge

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I couldn't sleep that night. I had a plan, a mad plan. I wanted to save Rain, she was in trouble. I knew it but, if it wasn't true, I wasted my life for nothing. I was tearing myself up at the scene, until I remembered.
I sit on my seat in the bus, and wait for the day to begin. As I step off the last step as the bus door opens, I look directly ahead, not bothering to look for others, not bothering to think about it. Once I'm in the school, I had 10 minutes to read, and read quick. The Bright blue doorframe of the library tells me when to turn and enter.
"Twain, twei, ah twins." I had read this book before, but I needed to refresh my memory.
The study of twins by Mark Twinatoin
The word 'twin' originates from the old English term twinne, meaning duplicate. Although, the twin is created from the weakness of a soul. When the undeveloped Soul becomes weak, it may split. Usually it will kill the child in question, but, sometimes, the two half souls will regain strength. These two half souls will not develop further, they will simply....

It was the bell. I wasn't going to take out the book, it would gain me suspicion, so I slam the book back and sprint to my science class, to which isn't far from the library.
Science is a breeze. Four bells go by before it's time for lunch. And when it is, I know where I'm going.
These two half souls will not develop further, they will simply empower, giving enough strength for the two creations. Due to the fact that they share a soul, any damage done to one, will be communicated with the other. As long as the other is alive, visions and pain will be transmitted to the other twin, who shares the half a soul.

That was it. All the proof I needed right there. My theory was correct and I need a plan before taken Day, to which is some time next week. I want to take the book, without scanning it out to not draw suspicion to my self, so when no one was looking I snuck out the back door and went the long way around.
When reentering the school, I went to lunch. The Day wasnt even that important...
Besides. Who needs school when you are going to give yourself up? Well.. not exacly. I run to the top of the hill nearby our house and practice. My magic is hard to control, but with just enough time, I might be able to.

 My magic is hard to control, but with just enough time, I might be able to

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My Powers are confusing. But I know how to control them. I have to channel all my anger, all my sadness to the arm which creates the fire to burn out the emotions. I'm basically invincible to the flame, and all fire. Heat makes no difference to me.
"Ah Rain!!! Come on we need to go to Juli and Janes house come on!!!" Rain sits on the stair guard and slides down grabbing the end before she falls off.
"Ugh why? Its not that big a deal." I see her step off as she walks towards me.
"Their dad is a burnish. He told us that his house is free and that for safety we should go there."
"You trust that guy? All you know he is trying to get you all taken." I walk to the chair my bag is on and put my hairbrush into it.
"Rain, he loves Juli and Jane. He wouldnt get them taken and you know that."
I zip Up My bag and slouch it over my left shoulder.
"Come on what are the chances our house will be searched?"
"We have discussed this..."
"And still I'm staying."
I sigh. I am very worried about her. She doesn't care for herself and thinks we live in a perfect world.
We don't.
"Well." I walk towards her. "I guess I'm off then." I hug her. "We live together."
"We fight together."
"We die together." We both say. I let go and walk out the door.
Little did I know that was the last time I would hug her. After Taken day ended, I went back to my house to find my parents and brother in the floor crying. I was breathless. Nothing to do but join them.
That feeling is still so vivid in my head and my heart. All it takes it to feel that last hug and hopelessness on the floor to start my fire.
It floats above my hand growing bigger as I command it, growing smaller and eventually out as my thumb joins my fingers in a grabbing motion.
Rain was always my support. She supported me, trusted me, believed in me when no one else would. Yeah she was childish and immature and yeah, she had very little concerned for herself but towards me, she was the wall I could lean on. The extra push I needed.
I sit on the edge of the flat Top of the hill and stare at the sunset.
As the Sun hits the bottom, the land turns a bright orange. I feel the enlightenment of my face. Its a beautiful day.
Rain would have loved this. Its majestic. I know what I plan to do could be a death sentence for me, but I am getting rain out of there.

Whether I make it.
Or not.
Heya peeps! Sorry this chapter is out a week late. I was camping with no internet!!! Aah the pain. Anyway, I thought I would make it up to guys with some cool art. I know it isn't great. I'm far from artistic. Anyway.
Don't forget to follow me on Instagram and Twitter both are @prophecypug and ALSO my YouTube channel (also ProphecyPug)

So Yah!

Anyway, keep smiling guys!

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