1.[ A Malusciana Funeral ]

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What did it truly feel like to be alive? Faye wasn't sure she knew.

Her parents had sheltered her for her whole life - unintentionally of course. She supposed it came with being rich.

Well not just rich.

Filthy rich. 

As you could expect, she wasn't exactly close with those who weren't like her. She had been shielded from the media with a hidden identity from a very young age, but that didn't mean she was alone. Faye constantly found herself encased in the sheer and utter chaos that came with her all-sorted entourage. Bustling alongside her, they would express the same problems, voice yet more issues that only affected them because of the self-indulgent, dimante bubble that had locked everyone else out since the first of their days in this strange world.

All six of them had grown alongside one another, some joining later than others, but they had no choice but to be inseperable. That was something they had no control over.

However, as Faye swung her feet over the ledge of her window, she decided that there were some things she just had to do alone even if that meant trekking out into the darkness of the forest before the first of the Sun's rays kissed the sky.

Feeling the beading of the water at her fingertips, she imagined the inaudible thud as they splashed to the ground to be replaced by yet another -this was home. Autumn loomed over the forest, transforming the leafy jewels of the canopy into blood red shades of lust with the grounding fury of crimson mingling amongst those who vowed to be evergreen.

Fall and Faye had a relationship that failed to falter, like a machine, it wasn't possible to expect either of the two parts to function without the presence of the other.

With bare feet caked in earth, she glided over the path of fiery autumn leaves with a purpose. She heard the crisp snapping of twigs in the distance, the soft swish of water as it flowed into a thin, thrashing stream that would support her on her journey.

Faye decided she liked being alone; nothing went amiss when you were in tune with everything around you.  

Raindrops ricocheted from tombstones as bullets would, eery and glowing as the moon cast its concentrated glare upon those who were no longer of this world.

    Her willowy blue skirt clung to her as an unwelcome embrace, she refrained from ripping the damn thing from the irritated bare skin of her legs, face scrunched into a grimace as she fought the sting. A sudden chill rocked through her, almost knocking her to the floor. Earthquake? No.  

A wake up call, she decided.

  As she pushed herself closer to the one thing that meant anything for her, fear threatened to corrode her bones and leave her as an unrecognisable crumpled mess on the floor. No! I can't be this weak. I'm doing this for her; I would do anything for her. Scraping her unruly hair black hair away from her face, she strode to the back of the cemetary with haste .

She had decided. Nothing would stand in her way. 

    The old church bell's haunting melody crept through her skin as needles piercing into her every pore. Her head whipped to the side  to catch the sight of  the ancient ruins of a church that she had once loved so much.

Quickly tearing away her gaze, she stifled the whimper that rose in her throat.

Faye had one weakness: Memories.

Digging her teeth into her lip, she drew blood causing the metallic taste of fear to coat her mouth. She spat. Mentally, she scolded herself.

I refuse to lose myself to this when I'm so close. So, so close.

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