(23)A Sea of Lavender and Ash

Start from the beginning

"There." Thanatos said as he walked up next to me with his eyes cast down to the scorched earth. The tree had turned to ash and from the dark grey dust- something stirred.

I held my breath.

Thanatos hand found mine and he strategically took a step forward to place himself in front of me. I watched from over his shoulder in anticipation as the grey mass twitched and moved, until I could make out the form of a paw rustle through the large pile of burnt leaves, bark and branches.

"Like a phoenix from the ashes..." I muttered as my eyes stayed glued to the emerging figure. "You don't think the gods will be cross with me for burning a 2000 years old sacred tree, right?"

Thanatos was watching the shape move up and stretch with keen eyes; "Don't worry- they barely remember anything that was once on Earth. The gods have no use for it any longer, but you, however..." his voice trailed off as he took another step forward.

I gasped as a pair of yellow eyes shook itself clean. A cloud of ash sprang from the animal's back and then, as if from my dream, the strange hound-like creature howled and focused its glowing eyes onto mine.

It really is real... All of her clues, they're there waiting to be found...

It was beautiful in real life. it looked more like a large wolf than a monster- its pelt dark and furry and its paws large and filled with sharp claws. Thanatos moved closer to examine it, but the wolf barked and bent its ears down in a threatening manner.

Thanatos growled back.

I watched as the two dark figures glared at each other, growling with their sharp teeth. I shook my head and wrapped an arm around Thanatos forearm. I pulled him back slightly; "Hey, stop this before you two piss all over the trees to claim your territory."

Thanatos straightened his back and furrowed his brows in a surprised manner before turning his face to an expressionless mask. It seems even he was taken back a bit by his sudden animalistic behaviour- almost like he'd forgotten that dominating side of him.

He cleared his throat as the wolf continued to menacingly growl at him; "Sorry, I'm... not sure what came over me there."

"Well," I licked my lips at his predatory impulse; "Save it for later." I said seductively as I stepped forward and slowly put up my hands to signal to the wolf that I meant no harm. I could hear Thanatos step next to me, but I quickly shot him a look that caused him to stop and pout.

"Don't. Let me do this."

"What if it hurts you?"

I grinned and turned my attention back to the anxious wolf; "Well, you have some experience in calling the ambulance now, don't you?"

"Not funny, Aurora." He grumbled. "Besides, there's no one here for me to shout at to do it for me..."

I tried to stifle my laughter; it would only confuse and scare the wolf even more.

I took another step and the wolf cocked its head to the side. I lowered my hands, but kept my palms out in front of me as the wolf examined my face with earnest. I lowered myself slowly to the ground and onto my knees; not caring if I accidently got my blue, cotton dress full of ash and mud. The wolf's ears flicked up and its head lifted slightly.

"Hey..." I said softly; "You were Hecate's weren't you?"

The wolf sniffed at the mention of her name, but it refused to budge closer as it eyed Thanatos behind me. I turned my head slightly to glance at him. He certainly was an intimating figure- dressed all in black, his shoulders broad and padded with armour and his long cape twirled at the ends as it rested on the rich green grass- it looked like he was setting the forest on fire with his eyes.

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