"Why does she hide the secret?"

"She wants me to do what I need to do and return her daughter," We were walking inside. "I got everything handled. You shouldn't worry."

I put the mask on once inside, the mask matched the dress perfectly. The dress was red, dark red, lined with small black feathers. The mask sparkled beautifully and matched the structure of my heart shaped face, also having black feathers pointed out of the side of it.

Amul remained close as I joined the party full of strangers. There were big women, and thin woman, the same went with men.

It looked like a rainbow in here with all these colorful dresses. I felt uncomfortable when everyone kept looking at me, I hid behind Amul a lot.

I had to reveal myself behind him when Josef called to me, and I walked up to him and another man. This man was large, he had an odd mustache and a black suit. I was about to ask his name before Josef interrupted me, speaking, "Victoria, you must remember Abraham De La Cruz?"

De La Cruz. Defiantly the owner of the home.

Without thinking, I nodded. "Of course I remember him."

"You look very lovely, Victoria," He looked me over, shocked with my appearance. "Italy has done you well. I too have a daughter of my own that is in Italy, Charlette. You two are close friends, how is she?"

The hell? Victoria is friends with his daughter? Winging it, I nodded, "She is fine the last I saw her."

"That is well for a father to here," Something caught the corner of my eye, and when I turned my head to look as the two men started ranting, I saw it. A gold platter laying on the long buffet table covered with food. It was there, just out of reach.

So close.

"Pardon me," I smiled at the two, and then turned to walk off. Amul stayed back but watched closely in the distance as I approached the table and looked at all the platters. But there was one that caught my eye, and that was the gold platter.

I just wanted to grab it and run out of here, but I knew it wouldn't be that easy...

"Aye lass," A familiar voice whispered. "Look at that plate, so close yet so far."

I jumped and turned my head to see a man with a suit, he was wearing a mask to cover his identity. I knew but his accent, and who it was, "Mark!"

He bowed. "You startle very easily, its humorous."

"How did you get in here?"

"I rode in on a unicorn, lass," he rolled his eyes. "How else did I enter? I snuck in."

"And the guards didn't catch you?"

"Nobody catches me," He winks.

"So what is the plan?" I crossed my arms. "How are we going to get this place?"

"If we get this right, everythin' will go smoothly," He grinned. "The real Victoria is back in her room, unconscious, with a note. Now all you need to do is distract these buffoons and I'll sneak the plate, and ye sneak out."

"How am I going to distract these people??"

"Figure he out," He shoved me back to the party. "Or we walk out empty handed."

I walked out into the party, and I looked around trying to find a way to distraction. Until someone placed their hand on my side, turning. Angered at the fact I was being touched so rudely I lifted my hand to slap the stranger. Instead my wrist was grabbed in midair, and I froze to look at who had grabbed.

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