"Remember what I told you?" Wayzz whispered in a low voice. 

I nodded, lifted my hand and placed it solemnly on my heart. I took a deep breath. Then I asked, "What do I say again?" 

"'Shells on'," Wayzz told me impatiently. 

I mumbled, "Shells on." 

There was a gleam of green aura and I knew that I had been completely transformed inside out. There wasn't any time to inspect my look or start asking what I was supposed to do. 

Because right then, I was slammed by Sandman himself. 


Alya's POV

So much sand. So much sand and so little air. I crawled out of the mountain of sand. "I thought foxes were immune to sand!" I screamed to no one as I trudged out of the sand pit. 

Trixx should've told me earlier that she would disappear when I transformed. 

I just hoped that some kind of fox instinct would kick in and I can perform professional martial arts all of a sudden. 

"I am Sandman!" some idiot in the middle of the cafeteria yelled. "And I will bring dust and sand to all surface of earth!" Then the same voice released to gurgling crackling that I supposed was a laughter. 

"You're Sandman!" I shouted at him. "But I'm Volpina!" 

I grabbed a stick that was fastened to my fox-themed belt and hurled it at the voice. 

Oops, bad decision, a strong gust of wind delivered the stick—apparently a flute—right back in my face with a smack. 

Rubbing my forehead, I glanced down at the flute. 

In the dusty view, I could see Sandman's silhouette waddling out of the building with some sort of cane that looked like a broom but I let that pass as I raced to the exit to catch him. 


"Holy mozzarella!" I groaned as I glared at the culprit. 

"It's not my fault, you bumped into me," the boy exclaimed, throwing his hands up. He had a stupid green costume on with some green shade mask and a shield-like object attached to his back—

"Oh my gosh," I gasped. "You're the new hero right?" 

The guy shrugged and scratched the back of his hooded head. "Well, I'm Jade Turtle but—" Then he stopped, noticing me. "Volpina?" 

MY TRUE MATE ‣ SEQUELजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें