"B*TCH ! I'm gonna kill you ! " He yelled through all the screams. I rolled my eyes and jerked my arm out his grip, "You won't do sh*t ! Get out my f*cking life Nathan ! I want you to go and never come back ! Just do that or I swear..I'm gonna make you regret everything you'd done to me during all these past years." I said furiously through my teeth. I never cussed usually.

He laughed, "Trust me, I will be back." He said looking at me directly in my eyes.


The car ride until home was silent. Very silent if you want my opinion. It was like someone died. Since we got in my BMW, I didn't look at Naïma. I couldn't. I don't know why, but I just couldn't. I could feel that she felt embarrassed though. And plus she was angry -or more than that. I could just see her fingers that were shaking in frustration.

That Nathan ruined everything ! That son of a b*tch ! Damn, I can't say that. He's my girlfriend's brother after all. But him as a member of my family ? No, that WON'T happen. Neither tomorrow neither NEVER. I can't stand him. As soon as I saw him in the restaurant, I wanted only one thing and it was to kill him. During these past ten months, Nana and I taught a lot about each other. She told me how her childhood was. It was horrible. I don't know how she did to stay that strong. Her mother didn't give a damn about her. She was always in the street searching some drug to please herself. That was the only important thing in her life. Her father was always drinking. It was not too often that she saw him sober. She didn't even remember the last time she saw him sober. Her grand-father was treating her like a piece of sh*t. He was always reminding her how much he hated her. She told me that one time he even tried to kill her by drowning her when she was four years old. Her uncle was an alcoholic too. He also tried to kill her. He stabbed her in the kitchen and let her on the floor until her grandma arrived and took her to hospital. She was ten at this time. Her grand-mother was the only nice person in her family. She treated her good and saved her more than one from the others members of the family. And Nathan...one time he was a good brother taking care of his little sister and one time he was the devil ready to make her life a living hell.

Once we arrived in front of the house, we got out the car and walked in the house still without talking to each other. We made our way upstairs to our bedroom. I went immediately in the bathroom and closed the door. I took my clothes off and hoped in the shower. I took a warm and long one to relax myself. My nerves were still boiling. After one hour I got out and dried myself, then I wrapped the towel around my waist and went out the bathroom to go in my closet to search a pajama. As I was walking towards it, I heard some sniffs. I turned around and saw that Naïma was laid on the bed on her stomach, crying. I don't like to see my girl like that, so I laid on the bed by her side. As soon as she noticed my presence, she lifted her head up and looked at me with water all up on her face and in her eyes. I took the box of Kleenex on the nightstand, took one and wiped her face with it.

She sniffed, "I'm so so so sorry." She said in a whisper.

I pulled myself closer to her and took her in my arms letting her crying a bit more, "Shh..That's okay. It's not even your fault."

"Trey, I hate him so much. Why does he have to ruin my life ? I don't understand." She said through her sobs.

"Hey...Calm down pretty. We don't care about him and his bullshits. And I won't let him hurt you, I promise." The next time I see him, I'm gonna make sure to make him regret everything he had done to Nana.

She pulled away and blew her nose loudly.

"Eww." I said playfully.

She laughed and looked up at me, "I had to." She said smiling.

I chuckled and kissed her forehead, "You still beautiful." I said looking into her brown and little incredible eyes.

She smiled harder, "And you're....naked ? Go put some clothes on, Tremaine ! " She said then hit my chest slightly.

[ Two hours later ]

"No you can't do that ! " 

"Of course I can ! "

"Trey, you're the biggest cheater of all the world ! Give me the controller back ! "

I laughed and hid it behind my back while she was trying to take it back. Naïma and I decided to play to the Xbox since we were not tired and wanted to end our night nicely. Nathan and all his sh*t were out the picture now. I can't still believe that he called my mother a b*tch though. I wanted to forget it to move on something else, but I couldn't. My mother is all my life and she's the person I love the most. She's my queen and nobody can disrespect her, mainly not in front of me. 

"Trey, are you okay ! " She asked me seeming concerned. 

I shook my head to make the bad thoughts go away from my mind. I didn't even notice that I was in a trance before she spoke to me.

"Yes, I'm okay." I answered.

"Stop lying please." She said looking at me. 

I smiled. She knows me too well, "Sorry. I...I was thinking about what happened in the restaurant. I'm not gonna lie, but.... I hate your brother."

She looked down, "I know, me too, and it's totally understandable. I'm sorry that he called your mom...that word. Besides, I'm gonna call her right now to apologize." She started to search the house phone agitated.

"Pretty. Calm down, we'll call her tomorrow. Now, she's surely sleeping." I said grabbing her by the waist. I couldn't help but laughed.

"Why are you laughing ? I didn't say something funny."

"You don't need to, you're naturally funny." I said then kissed her cheeks.

"I love when you're holding me in your strong and sexy arms." She said eyeing me seductively.

A big smile appeared on my face. This woman makes me feel some type of way. She woke feelings in me that I had never felt before. Strong feelings that put joy in my life. She's amazing. She's my meaning of happiness. She's the woman I want to get married to. She's the woman I want to be my children's mother. And plus, I'm sure we'll make perfect babies. She's the woman I want to spend my life with forever, "And I...I love you." I told her looking into her shining eyes. I could tell that she was shocked. She froze for a moment and then a single tear fell from her left eyes.

I kissed it and she wrapped her arms around my neck to take me in a tight hug. I lifted her and put my hands under her butt to hold her. She immediately wrapped her legs around my waist. She placed little kisses on my neck before to look at me with a joyful face. Her eyes were filled with stars that were embellishing their brown colour.

"I...I love you too." She finally confessed and I was relieved. I was scared that it was too early.

I sighed in relief, "You scared me for a moment." 

"Sorry. For a moment I thought I was dreaming."

"You're not. I love you and I'm gonna say that a lot." I said then kissed her cheeks again.

She giggled, "Really ? " She asked raising her eyebrow smirking.

"Yes ! " I kissed her forehead, "To you..." I kissed her nose, "To the world..." I kissed both of her shoulders, "To God..." I kissed her neck, "And whoever will want to know, or not." Then I kissed her lips passionately and she kissed back caressing the back of my head.

We pulled away making eye contact, "I love you." We said in unison then smiled.


Let me know what you think about this chapter.

Aw, they finally said it !

What do you think about Nathan ? And about Trey & Naïma's relationship ?




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