Pretty Girls Lie

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  • Dedicated to Michael Clarke Duncan

Chapter IV:



Sam and I sat back on our chairs, totally taken by surprise. Again.

It was going on two hours since we started those job interviews and we were constantly meeting some crazy people. Like where were they coming from ? 

There was that girl who was naked under her white trench coat. I never closed my eyes this fast. We should've expected it though because since we were in Los Angeles and plus it was a hot day, it wasn't normal to see someone wearing a coat, but neither Sam nor I thought that we were actually going to see a naked woman. Kevin, my body guard, took her out as soon as she opened it. Then we met this girl, who wasn't speaking. At all.She seemed to be nineteen. She just sat on the chair, accros from us, smiling and looking at me with that strange expression. Kevin took her out after one minute. Then we met this boy, who wanted to be my best friend more than my assistant. I didn't need new friends, I already had my boys. After that, we met this other guy who was not even speaking english. We couldn't find which language he was speaking. And we met other fifteen crazy people. Kevin took them all out. 

Now we had this girl before us, who was screaming and jumping on site and clapping her hands like a fourteen teenage girl. 

Didn't she know that she was at a job interview ? 

She had black and red straight hair, she was wearing a black tight dress, that was more appropriate for the club, and with that red strip heels. She had TOO MUCH make-up on her face. Her lipstick was not even applied correctly and her mascara was running on her cheeks, surely because she started to cry. And her nails, well let's not talk about that. One thing though, I was sure that she could kill someone with these things stuck on her fingers. Those nails were weapons.

Sam and I looked at each other and shook our heads.

"Ratchet..." We said in unison. Sam made a sign to Kevin and in less than one minute the crazy ratchet was out. 

"Please, tell me one more time why are we doing that ?! You fucked up my day off to see hysterical people during two fucking hours ?! Do you hate me that much ? " I interrogated him, growing frustrated. I had others things more important to do than those interviews. Like to sleep or watch TV or better, hang out with my friends and family. The last time I saw them was about a month ago. I missed my grandma, mama, aunts, little brother,  nephews and nieces and also my homies. And I missed home food so much. The family diners where I could only be around people who I loved and loved me too, and where the plates were never ending and so delicious. 

"First off, you're gonna lower your voice. Second off, I already told you to not curse because that doesn't make you a prettier person. And, I already told you a billion time that we need a fucking assistant." He answered and then hitting the back of my head. 

Really ?!

I sighed, "Hit me one more time and we'll fight, it's a promise ! "

"Okaaaaaaay, you're surely tired and certainly hungry, so I forgive you for thinking that you can actually talk to me like that. And If we fight, you know damn well that I'll win, young boy." He said laughing and placed his right hand on my left shoulder. 

"No, you won't and you know it." I corrected joining him in his laugh. Then Kevin came back with a little mark of nails on his right cheek.

"What happened to your face Kev ? " I asked him as my eyebrow arched.

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