Pretty Girls Lie

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  • Dedicated to Say Ahh

Chapter V: (part. 1)


[One Week Later]

"He was just so perfect ! I thought that I was dreaming the whole time, but it was real life." Tatiana repeated for the hundredth time. 

Today was the day. We were finally going to see Trey Songz and we'll find out the winner of the bet also. And Francisco was not kidding when he said that he wanted us to be fabulous for Trey. 

At 9 a.m, Him and the girls were banging on my door and screaming, even if those fools knew better than interrupting my sleep. Well, I thought they knew, but seems like I was wrong. For their defense, they simply told me that they had to do it. I wasn't happy about this, but Francisco went to Tina's first, at 6 a.m. He then went to Tiffany's at 7 a.m and he followed with Tatiana at 8 a.m. 

He really wasn't kidding !

When I opened the door, I was shocked to see all of them in gym clothes. Francisco was excited and the girls were tired, except Tatiana. We went running for one hour, Francis' idea of course. Once we were done, we went to clean up and a hour later we were meeting in front of the hair salon. 

Since Francisco thought that his hair was already perfect, he got a cranial massage. Tatiana waved her hair and changed the color. She went from all black to black hair with blond highlights. Tina waved her long brown hair too. Tiffany had cut her hair one year ago and it grew back since then. It was now reaching her shoulders, but she didn't like it, so she asked the hairstylist to cut it. The back was shorter than the front. She dyed her hair dark brown with light brown highlights and the hairdresser did a good job with her fringe. Tiana, Tatiana's mom, who finally has joined us, waved her long light brown hair also. And I straight my hair and got them pulled in a sophisticated bun. 

We all looked great !

Now, we were doing our manicure/pedicure in the nails salon.

Tatiana was smiling like an idiot since this morning and we didn't know why. We asked her a several times what was going on, but she was in her own world clearly not hearing us. Impossible to get her back with us. I was seeing stars in her eyes. Since it was her birthday, I thought that was the reason why she was so happy, but these stars were telling another story and we wanted to know the details about it. Then her mom came and knew immediately what was happening. Took her five seconds to ask the correct question. This woman sure knew her child.  

Tatiana finally told us what happened to her a couple of days ago. She met that romantic man, who made her live a magic night. The best date of her life. I was happy to see her moving on from Chris. This idiot was finally in the past. 

"Tell me one more time please. Where did you find this man ? " Francisco asked, smiling very hard.

"He set a diner, that he cooked himself, on the beach. Pedals of roses were everywhere around the table. They ate rice, salmon and a salad, plus a strawberry cake with chantilly. They had a good conversation. He was so sweet and such a gentleman. He kept complimenting her. Then they danced. He's a really good dancer. He kept whispering sweet things in her ear. Finally he drove her back home and before to leave, he kissed her cheek, and she wanted to jump on him. It was the best night she ever had. She told us this story so many times, that I even know how it went and I wasn't even with them." I said and laughed a bit, "I'm so happy for you Tatiana." I added sincerely.

"We told you there is better than Chris." Tina said while choosing a colour for her nails.

"Better or SO MUCH better. " Tiffany stated from the pedicure chair, while she was getting her feet massaged. Her mom knew the owner, so the salon was only open for us today. It was actually a gift for Tatiana. Can seem like a weak gift to you, but Tatiana appreciates the biggest as the smallest gestures of kindness from people. It's the thought that counts.

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