Chapter 4.2 "Don't Be Indifferent!"

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Continuation of chapter 4.1

"Milano..." Veronica pronounced, feeling her Demon's crown on her chest and his kisses, easy like feathers. "You came... I thought you didn't care."

He was outraged by her words. "What are you babbling about? How could you think like that?"

"I don't know. You're immersed in your business and you no longer pay attention to me... You're thinking of leaving me, right?" Veronica asked him sadly.

Milano still tried to be calm.

"Veronica, I don't understand. You don't like it when I am calm and you don't like it when I'm violent. I don't know how to behave anymore..." He scratched his head, puzzled.

Veronica looked at her Demon, perplexed. Milano was absolutely right. She didn't know what she wanted from him. Perhaps pregnancy had made her a hysterical woman who nagged her man for his disregard.

"Okay, forget about it!" Milano waved his hand. "I actually came to talk about our wedding."

Veronica stared. She had thought that Milano wanted to get rid of her, not drag this heavy burden all his life. Turned out, it was the opposite. He wanted to talk about their marriage.

 He  wanted to talk  about their marriage

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"Don't look at me like that, Veronica. It's true." Milano bowed. "We should do this as soon as possible so that people wouldn't whisper in the corners when they see your belly. If wedding ceremonies are tedious for you, it can be omitted." He said, though he hoped that she wouldn't refuse it.

"No. I'm all for it. But if you're not happy about it..." Veronica shouted, vigorously throwing her arms up and then dropping them down.

Milano began to get angry. "Damn it, Veronica! Again, you annoy me."

"As if you don't..." Veronica snorted, despite the fact that her whole body ached with fatigue.

"Oh, such a stubborn Amazon..." Milano told her with a smirk, touching the tip of her nose. Veronica shyly lowered her head.

"Where's Francesca? She was with me when I fainted..." Veronica recalled.

"Wait!" Milano suddenly stopped her in mid-sentence. "You fainted? What the fuck! No one told me that!" He raised his voice.

"Probably because they were afraid of your anger..." Veronica burst out laughing, still not able to believe that Milano flew home from work so fast and now sat next to her, gently stroking her waist. It was some sort of fantasy, bordering with reality. It was like a fairy tale.

"Probably..." He grinned, agreeing with his earth goddess. "Do you feel better now?" He put a palm on her forehead, checking her temperature.

"Thank you, Milano. I'm feeling well. Oh, God! I completely forgot that I didn't do any chores!"