Chapter 4 "Don't Be Indifferent!"

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The weeks flowed extremely slowly and uneventfully. Milano decided not to give Veronica unnecessary suppositions about Susan and not to dismiss his secretary. After all, Milano's such behavior could bring Veronica to considerable suspicions and she could end up thinking that Milano did it because he definitely cheated on her with Susan. Of course, he understood that trust was a significant thing in a relationship, but some specific actions could indicate that he was hiding something from Veronica. Even Milano had lied to her about what had happened at work, but he did it because he didn't want to harm his child and his Amazon. That's the reason why he remained silent and acted calmer than he ever did before.

But this didn't sit well with Veronica. Every day she saw his politeness and overly suspicious softness in attitude to her that wasn't inherent to Milano's nature. Maybe Veronica was contradictory in her judgment as to what Milano should be like, but still such a change in her Demon's personality was like a snow on the head. Home care distracted her from her thoughts but did not bring Veronica complete happiness, and sadness began to torment her day by day.

Susan had calmed down in her desire to punish Veronica. She had to leave urgently to her mother, who was seriously ill. Susan did that, of course, not because of her good motives, but for profit. Mother promised her that if she took good care of her, Susan would get all the inheritance. Susan was ready for anything just to take a tasty piece of the cake, but now she was getting the whole pie! So she would wait for the right hour to strike back at her rival, Veronica so that she never recovers. Susan was sure that she will succeed.

Lucenzo and Francesca whilst preparing for the wedding, agreed about as to how the celebration in the Veneziani house would go after their wedding. Francesca's parents helped her future family in everything, especially in the interior designs of the houses. Cutlery and furniture were bought straight off the ice because many guests were expected – relatives from Lucenzo and Francesca's sides. Lucenzo's mother-in-law couldn't get enough of her future son-in-law who helped them and wasn't tired at all, although the coming wedding deeds were enough and his hands were full. He willingly helped his older brother as well, so that Milano could quickly finish their building projects and could spend more time with Veronica.

Francesca, in turn, admired Lucenzo's energy and his unwavering faith that they would get everything done on time. Solicitation with each other was now limited to light kisses or hugs when Francesca's parents were away from them. For the bride and groom, it was agonizing, but pleasant at the same time, because they knew what was waiting for them when the wedding preparations were finished and everything was ready. They would belong only to each other.

 They would belong only to each other

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