Chapter 16

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Ricardo POV
Only thing I know is she threw a test in my face and punched the fuck out of me.  I don't even wanna look at the test cause I already know it's positive. I walked into the bathroom not ready to face porshia yet.  It was nothing I can say or do about this situation. I fucked up.  And I damn sure don't wanna man up to it.  Both of these girls is my baby mother's now so I don't know what to do.  I met Ariel at a party.  I didn't have no business being there but I was drunk as shit and only thing I remember is being in her bed.  After that she just couldn't leave me alone and I couldn't either.  It wasn't never supposed to get this serious but I went to her when porshia made me mad and that was damn near all the time.  I walked into the room and I seen my shit on Fire.  " PORSHIA WTF" I yelled but I didn't see her.  I ran out the room away from the big fire and I still didn't see porshia.  The whole house was Smokey and the ceiling was Rey come down.  I checked everywhere for porshia but I didn't see her.  I raned out the house and there she was...

Shae POV
Diquann haven't been around since the last time I gave him some bomb ass head.  He haven't called nor texted.  I called his phone to see what was up with him but it went straight to voicemail.  For some reason I think he's hiding something from me but if he is I'm going to get to the bottom of it. 
I walked downstairs and I seen my stepfather in his man cave cutting up something. I didn't pay it any mind. Only thing on my mind was Diquann . I was going to his house and if he wasn't there I was still going to wait. 

Paris POV
I texted Diquann and told him to come get me.  I just found out that my brothers got took by CPS because of my dumbass mother.  I wish she was here cause she would never hear the end of my mouth.  I couldn't do it anymore.  I had to leave here but I don't know where I was going to go.  I packed everything. The sound of the horn made me jump while I was coming out the bathroom getting my hair products . I had to find a way to get my brothers back if it was the last thing I do.  I walked to Diquann's BMW with 2 suitcases and a bag on my shoulder.  " I'm staying with you until i find somewhere to go" I told him not even asking. He shrugged his shoulders. 
The car ride home was quiet.  I didn't say nothing to him and he didn't say anything to me. We pulled up at that beautiful house and it was someone sitting on his front.  You could see the person through the black gate but not as clear to see the face.  Only thing I knew was that it was a bitch.

Diquann POV
Paris dropped a bomb on me that she was staying with me but I didn't care because I was going prefer that anyway.  I put the code in to get through the gates.  I looked over and Paris was mugging. " Yo Bitch here" she said pointing in the front direction.  I didn't know what she was talking about until I looked up.  It was Shae. Shit was bout to get REAL ugly.

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