Chapter 7

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*Ally's P.O.V Friday*

"We're going to be late for the limo!" Felicity was shouting.

She made me put on make-up and a cute black dress with my boot heels, similar to what she was wearing but her dress was blue, for the concert. Not that it matters.

"Limo?" I asked.

"Did I not tell you? We get a limo to take us to the concert." She replied.

"Oh cool."

"Cheer up." She smiled at me. I gave her a fake, sarcastic smile then let my face fall again.

I'm really not in the mood for this concert. One, because my head is all over the place and two, because the guy doing the concert is the same person that's been texting me "Sorry' all day.

"I can't believe we're actually going to watch him perform!" My sister squealed. I sighed, rolled my eyes then grabbed my phone and earphones, purse, door key card and script and shoved them all in my back pack.

"Let's go." I said. The quicker I go, the quicker it's over with.

"Yay." She said as she hopped out the room.

We got to the concert and took our seats, they were actually really good seats. We were visible from the stage I know that much. I hope he doesn't spot me.

"Ladies and gentlemen. Please welcome BLAINE MEADOWS!" A guy shouted over the microphone. Blaine ran on stage and my breathing hitched. I swear I actually forgot how to breathe for a second. Why did I not notice before that he's so attractive? Probably because every other time i've seen him has been in dim lighting and his face hasn't been up on a giant screen.

Ugh stop it Ally.

Felicity was jumping up and down with excitement and I sighed, put in my headphones and listened to music by All Time Low. I could still hear everything that was going on outside the headphones but they helped a bit.

He began singing his usual songs and I began reading through my script.

About an hour into the concert, my sister pulled out my earphones. "You might want to listen."

"Nah I'm good." I replied, going to put the earphone back in.

"No, you need to listen."

I sighed and looked up from my script. Blaine was walking onto the stage with a guitar. A lot of people looked confused, I guess that he doesn't do this often?

"This song was written last night, by me when inspiration struck. A very special person once told me that my music meant nothing, that it had no meaning. She made me realise that I need to take a stand and fight for what I believe in. That I need to stop listening to other people and choose my own life and I don't even think she realised that she helped me believe that. But I screwed up. I hurt her real bad. Hopefully this will make up for some of the hurt I've caused. I'm so sorry Ally." He said into the mic. I almost fainted. He is not doing this.

He began to strum the guitar chords and then he began to sing.

The words were a blur until the chorus when I really began to listen to what he was saying.

"My sunrise girl.
My meeting in the dark in secret girl.
My make me feel like I am normal girl.
The Juliet to my Romeo girl.

I'm sorry.
To my one and only sunrise girl.
Roof top dancing to Cold War Kids girl.
Rehearsing plays in the hallways girl.

I'm sorry"

He carried on and I felt tears coming to my eyes. The verses were beautiful.

"I think I forgive him. Just a little." I said to Felicity.

"How can you not?" She asked. "Come on!" She said as she took my hand.

"Where are we going?" I asked as she pulled us out of the stand and down the steps towards the standing area then round the standing area and I suddenly realised that she was pulling me towards the steps up to the stage.

She practically put me on the step and Blaine came down to get me. He held out his hand and I took it, just like I did when he helped me up on the first night we met each other.

He finished his song and looked at me. "Can you ever forgive me?" He asked.

I looked at Felicity who gave me a thumbs up. I looked out towards the crowd, they were silent. Some people were shouting the odd 'forgive him' and then suddenly everyone was shouting it. I laughed and looked at him.

"So, do you forgive me?" He asked with a hopeful look on his face. My smile got even wider and I looked out towards the large crowd before back up to him.

"Okay." I said with a nod and a smile. "I forgive you."

"Yes!" He shouted and then he pulled me into a huge hug. I hugged him back and the crowd cheered. I laughed and pulled away.

"Hey, hey everybody, quieten down for a second. I've got an announcement." The crowd hushed and I looked at him. I could see some of the fans faces at the front of the crowd and I could tell they were as confused as I am. 

"You see, I've decided to make a major decision for myself, no influence from my managers or anyone except me and that decision is that I am going back into education for a bit." I gasped and put my hands over my mouth. He's going back to education? Which college?

"You see, I've never felt normal, except as a kid of course, and I want to be able to do that. It's going to be hard but I hoped you would all help me. Since this is my last concert, I thought I'd tell you here and don't worry guys, I will still make music and new albums for you all to enjoy, I don't want to lose you as fans you are all amazing, but the next tour won't be for a couple of years although there may be a few concerts and appearances here and there." He explained. I frowned. I thought he loved performing? That's what it seems like anyway.

"I'm sorry if anyone doesn't agree with me doing this but I hoped that people would support me in this. What do you say?" He asked the crowd. They all cheered and he smiled. "Thank you guys. It means a lot. Now, whose ready for another song?" he shouted with a smile. The crowd all erupted into screams of happiness and I smiled. It's actually so cool being up here. I can see why people like it. It's different to an audience at a play, the atmosphere is amazing.

I walked down to Felicity and stood with her, dancing and trying to learn the lyrics until the end of the concert. It went on for longer than expected since it was going to be his last tour for a couple of years, apparently.

At the end of the concert, he walked towards me and I ran in his direction, flinging my arms around his neck. He laughed and held me tightly.

"You're going back into education?" I asked.


"Which college?"

"Your college." He replied.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?" I shouted happily as I did a little jump and smiled. He laughed and I hugged him again.

"I'm sorry I messed up. I didn't mean for it all to go like that." He said.

"It's okay. We'll have rough times, everyone does, but I know we'll pull through." I replied.

"God you're amazing. He said with a smile. I smiled back and then stood on my tiptoes to kiss him. He kissed back and when we pulled apart he held something in his hand.

"I wanted to ask you something. Ally, my sunrise girl, will you be my girlfriend?" He and he held out and he held out a small ring. Pandora, according to the box. "This is a promise ring by the way, I am not proposing, don't panic." He joked and I shook my head with a laugh.

"Yes. I will." We both smiled and I put the ring on. It was a perfect fit.

He laced his fingers through mine and then we went to find Felicity with smiles on our faces.

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