Chapter 6 pt2

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*Blaine's P.O.V. Thursday*

"GO!" she shouted and I could tell she was getting annoyed. I slowly left and her sister looked at me as I walked out of Ally's room.

"She hates me." I said as I looked at the floor.

"No she doesn't, she's just hurt. She'll get over it." Felicity reassured me.

"What if she doesn't?" I asked. 

"She has to, she won't let what you have go to waste." She replied.

"What we have?" I asked.

"Yeah, you liiikkkeeeee her." She said with a smile as she dragged on the word.

"What? No I don't." I lied, badly. 

"Yes you do. Earlier, after the signing, she showed me that sunrise photo. The way you looked at her, you like her a lot."

"Yeah well now she hates me."

"I've told you this before, she doesn't."

"Well anyway, I better be going." I replied.

"Okay. I swear, she'll come round."

"I hope so." I said before walking out and closing the door. I walked slowly back up to my hotel room and into my bed.

What happens if she does hate me and I have to pull out of this school idea? No, I won't. And I can't give up.

If there's one thing I've learnt about Ally and her relationship to my music is that she hates it because there's no meaning. So what if I give it meaning?

*2 hours later*

"Blaine? What are you doing with your guitar? It's half three in the morning?" My mom asked when she came in.

"Sorry. Did I wake you?"


"Ahh I apologise. I got some inspiration that's all." I shrugged.

"Inspiration from what?"

"Life." I shrugged.

"Well keep it down."

"Will do."

I stopped playing for a bit and at 4am I crept out and up to the roof where I stayed till 6am, one hour before I needed to be up, finishing my song.

The words came easy it was the tune that needed working on but by 6 I had cracked it. Now all I have to hope for is that Ally and her sister actually turn up to the concert.


Short chapter but needed :)

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