Chapter 6

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*Ally's P.O.V. Thursday*

I grabbed my script as I walked out of the hotel room, i'd need it.

My sister was bouncing up and down in the elevator next to me as we made our way down to the area where Blaine was signing.

Felicity brought money for the signing because apparently, it isn't free. Figures. I swear all that boy cares about is money.

I text the mystery lad as I went down in the lift but he hadn't been responding all morning. Busy probably, or sleeping in. We saw each other last night, we just spent time together at the vending machine, practicing for my play and talking about things. I found out that he is the same age as me which is good.

We waited in the line and I read my script. I've learnt almost half of it now, thanks to the help from the mystery lad. I really need to learn his name, it's getting annoying always referring to him as the 'mystery lad'.

He kissed me again last night though, just as I was about to leave. It was almost as good as the one on the rooftop.

We waited for about an hour before we finally got there. I wasn't planning on even looking up from my script until I heard him say "Hey, Felicity right? I remember you from the pool."

I'd know that voice anywhere. I peeped over the edge of my script and he looked up at me. The woman from before was behind him and I now know that she's his manager, it makes total sense.

"Felicity, I need to go, come back to the hotel room when you're done." I whispered in her ear before I practically ran off.

"ALLY WAIT." I heard him shout, it didn't stop me though, I was off. I didn't bother waiting for the elevator so I took the stairs two at a time, clutching my script as I ran. I reached in my back pocket for my key and opened the door to my room, slamming it afterwards and sliding down the back of it.

"The mystery lad is Blaine?" I asked out loud to no one in particular.

Felicity appeared about ten minutes later with a sighed photo in her hands. "Let me in, I don't have my key." She shouted as she knocked on the door.

I let her in and then went to the sofa where I sunk into the soft material.

"What was that all about? And how did he know your name?" She asked.

"Uhh nothing. I guess he saw it on the front of my script." I shrugged.

"Why would he call after you?"

"I don't know, pop stars are weird."

"Why did you run off?"

"Felt ill."

"Okay Ally, cut the crap." She said as she put her hand on her skinny hips. "What's going on?"

"Well first off, you are totally not old enough to start using any words like those... jheeze I sound like mom. Anyways, on the first night we were here, I snuck out at night to find squashies in the vending machine a couple floors down and then he was there with the last packet and he shared them with me. I had no idea that it was him, trust me. I just thought it was a normal guy. I didn't realise it was him. I thought he, as in Blaine as the actual Blaine Meadows, was just another spoilt singer but he's actually so much more than that once you get to know him." I explained.


"Yeah and we've been meeting almost every night apart from one and on one night he took me on the rooftop and we danced as the sun rose and then he kissed me, it was kind of amazing." I said as I remembered the night again, like I have been doing for the past couple of days.

"Yeah okay. Can I have the truth now?" She asked.

"I am telling the truth." I frowned.

"Yeah right, that does not sound like you at all. You haven't even spoken to a lad before."

"Hey, I have plenty of guy friends." I protested.

"Yeah, nerds." She replied with a laugh.

"It's true, look." I said as I showed her the photo on my phone.

"Woah wait what? So you've seriously kissed Blaine Meadows?" She asked as she compared the photo in my picture to the one in her signed photo.

"Apparently. You can't tell anyone and it doesn't matter now anyways." I shrugged.

"What do you mean it doesn't matter now?" She asked.

"I'm not seeing him again. He lied."

"He didn't lie, he just didn't mention that he is the super rich, super gorgeous Blaine Meadows and huge popstar." She replied. "You have to see him again."

"No Felicity, I don't." I said as I walked off.

"Where are you going?" She called after me.

"To my room." I replied as I walked in and slammed the door. I jumped onto the bed and used the button to raise the TV. I found fast and furious on the sky cinema channels and I pressed play. Then I realized they're playing 1,2,4,5,6 and 7 in a row and I decided that I haven't had a F&F marathon lately and I need one.

It was two am and number seven was just starting when I got a knock on my door.

"Don't be mad at me but I was curious and he spotted me..." Felicity trailed off. I paused the TV and frowned but it turned to surprise when she stepped out of the way and Blaine appeared.

Felicity popped her head around the door "It's Blaine Meadows!" She squealed in her fan girl way before she cleared her throat and whispered "Talk to him."

He walked in and stood awkwardly by the wardrobe.

"Why are you here?" I asked him with a sigh.

"Well, I was by the vending machine when your sister came to find me. I hoped you'd turn up, no matter how slim the chances but when your sister showed up, I had to go with her, so I could see you." He explained.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked.

"Because you made me feel normal." He replied quietly.

"So? You kept your entire identity from me, you wouldn't even tell me your name!"

"You would have guessed that I'm the Blaine Meadows, what else was I supposed to do?" He asked.

"Tell me. I wouldn't have treated you any differently. From that first night I was with you I knew that I liked you, if you had told me then I'd have been okay with it, my mind would have been changed. But leaving it and then me finding out through going to a stupid signing with my sister? That's just plain rude." I replied.


"No, I think you should go."


"GO!" I shouted. The hurt that crossed his face was unbearable but I had to do it. I couldn't keep this up anyway. Soon Felicity and I will be making our way home and he'll carry on doing what he does. It was pointless from the start.

He slowly walked out of the room, pausing to take one last look at me before he disappeared. I heard some whispering between him and Felicity and then he was gone.

Only then did I begin to cry.

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