"Where are you off to in such a hurry?" He asked with a questionable look on my face.

I sent a nervous smile as I waved the map up. "The geography homework, remember? Scott and I are also partners, so we decided that we're just gonna tackle it tonight." I spoke, nodding. "He needs me." I lowly said as I chewed onto my lip.

"Alright." Uncle Alan said as he looked back down at the book. It had the word 'Celtic' on it, which made me wonder. I'll probably have to ask him about it later on, right now, my friends are probably in danger. "Be safe, Carson."

"Will do." I said as send him a smile, exiting the house.

  ☪ ☪ 

  "Jared, I'm warning you. I'm an empathetic vomiter. You throw up, I'm gonna throw up right back on you and it will be profoundly disgusting." Coach Finstock's voice snapped me out of my memory as he stared down at this guy by the name of Jared who was scrunched up in the corner of the seat that he shared with his self. Coach was speaking to him earlier, but I don't get it.

If he get's car sick all of the time, how did he even get on the bus?

"Please don't talk about throwing up. It's not good." Jared said as he shook his head slowly.

"I might throw up on you just to make a point, Jared. Now the rest of you, don't that that we're gonna miss this meet because of a slight traffic jam, a minor tornado warning-Jared. We're gonna make this thing work. Nothing is gonna stop us! Stilinski, put your hand down!" Coach stopped his mini motivational speech to blow Stiles off.

"You know, there's like, a food exit about a half a mile up. I don't know if we stop and then maybe-"

Coach shook his head from side to side furiously, "We're not gonna stop."

"Okay. But if we stop-"

"Stilinski!" Coach shouted as he blew the whistle loudly that only worsened my headache. "Shut it! Seriously! It's a little bus! Stop asking me questions!" He yelled before walking back up front.

"I hate him." Stiles muttered as he sat back in the seat behind me. I adjusted in my seat yet again, for probably the hundredth time for today. This bus was probably old and the seats were filled with dust and were highly uncomfortable. "Did you call Deaton?" Stiles questioned Scott as he shook his head.

"I keep getting his voice mail." Scott answered, resting his hand back onto the glass. I haven't gotten any luck in calling him either. It's not likely of Uncle Alan to not answer his phone, but then again he's on his job so he might be doing what he does.

"That's it. I'm calling Lydia and Allison." Stiles groaned as he hoisted himself into the air, fishing his phone out of his pocket.

Scott lifted his as he stared at Stiles in confusion. "How are they gonna help, they're back in Beacon Hills?"

I snorted as I lifted my head up, "They're not. They've been following us for hours. Kinda pathetic that they thought we won't find out." I muttered.

After dialing Lydia's number, he placed the phone up to his ear as he listened to her speak for a short while before cutting her off. "I know you guys are right behind us, put me on speaker." Stile quickly said as he stopped for a brief moment. "Okay, look, Scott's still hurt so that mean Carson's right behind him. She used a linking spell last night so whatever was inflicted on Scott, mirrored onto her. But I think she has it worse,  there are these blackish, purple line streaks running through her arm and they're leading up to her neck." Stiles spoke as I looked back at him with wide eyes. Scott's eyes mirrored mines as he stared into my eyes.

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