6. Sacrifices

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After dropping Lydia home, the jeep ride was quiet but there was obviously tension in the air. I'm not exactly sure why Stiles felt the need to drop me home whiles I had a perfectly working car there for me to drive. Right now, I just need to have a moment for myself and just try to sort out all of the things that were happening to me. All of these weird events just suddenly piled up on me as soon as I entered Beacon Hills.

Maybe my mother was right, maybe this town was entirely too dangerous for me to reside in.

"Right here." I spoke up as he began to approach the house I was residing at. Stiles' jeep then came to a stop as I then hopped out of the jeep, closing the door behind me. I breathed out a long sigh as I fumbled around with the keys before I successfully unlocked the door. "Uncle Alan!" My eyes widened with a surprise as he immediately greeted Stiles and I at the front door.

"Glad you're home safe." He said quietly as he closed the door behind Stiles and I. I could've sensed that he wanted to talk to me, but he refrained because of Stiles' presence.

"Hey, Dr. Deaton." Stiles greeted him as they both shared a manly handshake. Right now, I'm extremely grateful for Stiles' company, I was probably going to get fried to pieces for being at the abandoned bank tonight which was crawling with werewolves.

"I'll be in my room." I quickly muttered out with a sigh as I traveled up the stairs with Stiles still trailing behind me. Stiles' constant gazes focused on me didn't miss my eyes, even though I wasn't looking directly at him. "Why did you insist on taking me home? " I asked as I pushed the door to my bedroom open, letting him close it behind him. I placed my cardigan up in my closet and then glanced at Stiles with a curious expression written on my face.

" I just wanted to make sure you got home okay. " Stiles answered, shrugging as if it was the most obvious answer in the world.

I rose an eyebrow up at him, fully facing my body towards him. " I could've had a police escort. "

"I know the inner-workings of that force, all right? They're not nearly reliable as people think." Stiles quickly fired back with a bossy hand on his hip.

"Well, you also didn't have to follow me into my room." I pin-pointed as I took a seat on my bed, staring up at him accusingly.

"Well, I uh- yeah I don't have an answer for that." Stiles murmured, cutting his failed attempt of an excuse short. "I can lea-"

"Are you really gonna go without asking me the question that you've been dying to ask me?" I asked, this time cutting his words short. I could have actually sensed the anxiety radiating from him, it was like an aura that wasn't exactly visible to the naked eye. I have actually read about auras in the grimoire that Aunt Marin gifted upon me, it's a great way to see if someone's telling the truth or not- it is said that their aura would glow a blinding gold if what they're saying is true. It's a spell that will greatly come into use one day.

"Well, I'm not.. I haven't been dying to ask anything. I-uh, no questions here for Stiles. Nothing." Stiles said and he tripped out on his words, causing me to shake my head.

"I can see it on your face." I blandly spoke as I reverted my gaze away from Stiles. I knew that both him and Scott had questions for me- from my first day at school. Stiles definitely got an idea that my drawing of those crows weren't just a coincidence and with the drawing of the wine cellar, I think it confirmed it for him. Well, not think- I actually know that it confirmed it for him seeing that eh brought me into a meeting with a hunter and banshee.

"Maybe my face just has, like, a naturally interrogatory exp-expression."

"Well your interrogatory expression is getting on my nerves." I glanced up at him for a short moment. At this moment, I'm having an intense battle, deciding if I should just tell Stiles about my abilities or if I should just keep them guessing and walk through this adventure alone. "The answer is, I have no idea how I ended up at the pools and finding that body. I just needed somewhere to go and clear my mind. I didn't even know where I was until I saw Lydia come out of her car first."

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