Chapter 20: Waterpark (1)

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sorry if this chapter isn't very good, I just watched a part in an anime that is basically killing me so. ye. # Yui and Hinata (angel beats)

Hinata's POV

I blink my eyes open and started to hoist myself into a sitting position but was kept down by something around my waist. I froze and slowly turned my head to see Naruto sleeping holding my waist, "eh...EH?!?" I squeled while my face got more red, if that was even possible.

I gently picked up his arm and moved it over a pillow, I smiled at they way he pulled it close and snuggled into it. I slowly made my way to the bathroom holding a white skirt with purple flowers and a white tank top covered By a purple sweatet while Of coarse my bathing suit underneath. Along with a small flower headband for accessories.

I didn't bother putting shoes on so I stepped out of the bathroom to be met by a tall figure, I looked up to see Naruto smiling "can I get out of the doorway?" I asked making a sassy face he shook his head grinning "meeow?" I said making cat like movements. His face turned red as he put his head down and moved to the side, I giggled and walked back to my suitcase "your too tired to be awake" I said not making much sense.

When Naruto came out of the bathroom wearing only his pants I almost died, seriously I think I stopped breathing for a second. "R-ready to g-g-go??" I asked turning back to my suitcase, "yep!" he chirped slipping into his shirt. "hold on let me grab my bag" I said bringing a towel with me, as I stood next to the elevator waiting for Naruto the door opened, I didn't even touch it, I turned around and saw Kiba. Kiba?

"uh...hey?" I said with a small wave "hey" he said and walked straight in "security much?" I mumbled and followed him into the room Naruto was in, "Who let him in!" Naruto yelled pointing at him, I threw my hands up in defense "wasn't me" I said and stepped next to Naruto "why are you here?" Naruto growled "well just wanted to check on my soon to be girlfriend" Kiba teased, I made a 'what did you just say' face, quick think of something smart, "I didn't know you were so fond of Naruto" I said smirking.

Naruto laughed while Kiba was left speechless "well we're going to the waterpark so please don't break in while we're gone" I said waving while entering the elevator, "oh by the way, I swear, if you stay in here I will kill you with my own bare hands" Naruto said cracking his knuckles. "welp! Bai!" I said as the elevator door closed.

"nice" I said smiling "it was nothing, finally time I teased him" he said as the elevator made a 'ding' sound an the doors opened. I jumped out and turned on my heel to see Naruto slowly walking out "hurry, hurry! I wanna ride some waterslides!" I said grabbing his hand and dragging him toward the waterparks. we got outside and asked for the direction to the waterslides, we finally made it and were already in our swimwear.

"look! Naruto~Kun let's ride that one!" I said pointing at a large blue see through tube that launched you underwater, "Yeah!  Let's go!" He said grabbing my hand and running toward it. "Tickets please" the man said blankly, I quickly got out some tickets that I bought earlier and handed them to him, "be safe" he said expressionlessly, "thanks" I said excitedly, "ready Naruto~Kun?" I said turning to face him with a large smile, his face was red at first but I just assumed it was the lights "yeah!" he sad turning to look forward.

 as we were launched forward it became slower while we went under the water to see fish, jellyfish and other sea animals, "Naruto~Kun this is so cool" I cooed as I looked up at a blue fish above me, "yeah It is!" he said happily. as we came to the surface there was a large splash that covered us is water, I rubbed my eyes and smiled "that was amazing" I said looking over to Naruto who was already staring at me with a smile, "something wrong?" I asked blushing, "u-uh no" he said turning away with a tint of pink on his cheeks. was he blushing?

and that's it for this chapter hope you enjoyed and sorry its so short I'm having some internet problems and wattpad wasn't working so I tried to work fast

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

and that's it for this chapter hope you enjoyed and sorry its so short I'm having some internet problems and wattpad wasn't working so I tried to work fast.


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