Chapter 25: Stuck in an adventure!

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IM BCK!! Just forget everything about the sequel k? K LETS DO THIS. WARNING IVE FORGOTTEN EVERYTHING I WROTE XD also super sorry if this chapter is jumbled...I haven't written this book in forever ^^;

Naruto's POV

I was awoken by falling off the couch. what a pleasent start to a day I can't remember if we have school today....

"Morning Naruto" Hinata yawned handing me a poptart, "morning" I said sleepily. "do we have school today?" I asked chewing the pop tart. "nah, I'm pretty sure it's Saturday" she noted. "thank goodness" I stretched. 

"did you sleep well?" I asked "yup! you?" I nodded.

(so sleepy)

"what do you feel like doing today?" Hinata asked walking into her closet. I'm still amazed at the size of that thing. "wanna do something new? Like hiking or cave exploring or something like that" I suggested, "perfect! I've been needing an adventure lately!" she chimed walking out of her closet wearing a loose purple tank-top, black ripped pants, and purple converse.

"wow you got dressed really fast!" I exclaimed "really? hm~ anyway we should get you home to change! oh do you think we should bring Sakura and Sasuke along with us?" she asked tying her hair into a pony tail.

"hmm why not? I'll text and ask!" I said pulling out my phone. "okay! come to the car when your ready" she hollered running downstairs. how is she so bright in the morning...

after five minutes of waiting, Sasuke and Sakura replied with a yes so I headed out to the car.

"ready!" I cheered buckling the seatbelt, "alright! let's go!" Hinata said driving down the street.

(did I even give them a car??)

once I got to my apartment I quickly changed into a black T-shirt with an orange sweatshirt, jeans, and orange converse. after that I attempted to do something with my hair but failed and went back to Hinata who was waiting in the car.

"okay now we'll go pick up the lovely couple! they're waiting at the park just around the corner" Hinata stated driving the corner. "There they are!" I noted pointing to Sakura cuddling Sasuke on a bench.

"are you coming or do you need a room?" Hinata asked unlocking the doors, "coming Hina!" Sakura chimed pushing Sasuke into the car. "okay! we're going to a cave in the forest a few hours from here, it's not big and they give maps for adventurers so we don't get lost" I explained.

"sounds fun!" Sakura said "yeah, perfect weather too" Sasuke agreed. "perfect! today's gonna be great! everyone charge your phones in the car while I drive~ it's gonna be a while" Hinata said speeding down the road.

"Hina slow down! your gonna crash the car!" I warned gripping the seatbelt "what no way! I'm under the speed limit~" she said "what? no you aren't! your twenty miles over the speed limit!" I exclaimed "oh your right! sorry" she giggled.

--------three hours later-------

"we're here! wake the heck up!" Sakura yelled hitting me on the head with rolled up paper. "I was awake the whole time" I whined "are you okay Naruto?" Hinata asked gently touching my head "I-I'm fine" I mumbled unbuckling my seatbelt.

"let's head out then" Sasuke said opening the door for Sakura "thank you darling~" Sakura cooed stepping out of the car. 

once we arrived at the entrance to the forest some guy gave us a map and told us to head east and we'll find the cave.

we didn't see any people so I thought they were all at the cave but when we got there, there wasn't a single person in sight!

"where is everyone?" Sasuke asked shifting his bag "maybe deeper in the cave?" Sakura guessed "probably" Hinata joined in.

I think I love her (A Naruhina Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें