Chapter 12: Festival

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Naruto's POV

I was having  a great dream until I was knocked off my bed by a certain red fox, "Kurma I'll feed you soon" I said looking up to see the messiest apartment in history, "clean soon so Hinata can come over" I sighed and got up from the floor, I made my way over to the kitchen set some (what ever foxes eat) in a bowl and set it down for Kurma.

I went over to my so called closet and got out my uniform, I quickly slipped into it and made my way to Hinata's house after I grabbed a piece of toast. I walked up to Hinata's door and knocked, she came out with her hair in a ponytail wit her uniform on, with no shoes. "you in a rush Hinata?" I asked while she rushed around picking her bag up and slipping on her shoes, "U-um! dang where is it... Yeah! just fine!! found it" she said finally coming to the door ready, "Alright" I sighed a we walked out the door.

Hinata was eating a piece of toast while letting her hair back down. "Hey Hinata, did you hear about the festival the school's having?" I asked blushing a bit, "Oh! really?" she asked a bit shocked and excited at the same time, "yeah!" I laughed nervously, I should ask her now! I thought

"Hey, Naruto~Kun! wanna go together?" she asked smiling at me, my face turned blood red and I froze, "do you not want to go?" she asked eating her toast, "w-what?!? No! I-I mean!" I was cut off by her giggling, it soothed me and I slowly calmed down, "well is it a yes or no?" she asked smiling, "Y-yeah sure" I said scratching my neck while we made our way to the school gates.

"So Naruto~Kun! the festival is going to be like a date!" Hinata said happily putting a few things in her locker,  tensed up and became a tomato, "r-r-right" I stuttered, she was much better than me when it comes to asking someone out, I was going to ask her to the festival but nope! she beat me to it. we walked into class, Hinata had a few boys come up and ask her to the festival, she nicely turned them down which made them pout but had more of an attraction to her. Good thing she's going with me though!

"well, well, well, Naruto Uzimaki! how about you stay away from Hinata so she and I can finally express out love!" Toneri said strutting over like a little sassy princess, "sorry I don't think she wants to be with stupidity all the time" I said taking out some paper, "tsk, at least I'm smarter than you! even if I was stupid, I could cure myself with science!" he said strutting toward Hinata "there's no Vaccine for stupidity!!!" I yelled faking a worried tone, "Hey Hinata" Toneri said smirking and running his fingers through her hair, "Hello person I don't want to talk to" she said and slapped his hand, "oh come on Hina, don't be like that" he said coming closer to her face, I was really worried, he called her Hina, and he was really close to her!

"want to go out with me?" he said coming closer to her while she backed away, She smirked and put her hand on his face and pushed him back, "YOU can go out and make me some money if you'd like!" she said getting out her stuff, "Awe Hina, I'll get you one day" he said walking past her with a devilish smirk. 

"you okay Hinata?" I asked looking at her carefully, "yeah 'm great!" she said smiling, I loved that smile, it was a smile I wanted to burn into my mind so I never forgot it. "okay class, today we're going to plan for the festival!" the teacher said writing it on the board, "Um, Mr. Iruka, why are we doing a festival?" one student asked, "U-uh, w-well... Because the school said so!" he said laughing nervously.

Magical time skip to the end of school, because I'm too lazy to talk about how everyone fails in English class.

After school me and Hinata went out separate ways so we could get ready for the festival tonight. I decided to wear my usual orange and black jacket with some simple jeans, I know it wasn't formal or anything but I just don't have a suit or a kimono, And I don't have enough money right now to buy either one of those things.

When It was finally time to go to the festival I grabbed my red scarf and dashed out of my apartment. I made my way to Hinata's house and knocked while breathing heavily, she stepped out wearing a Blue kimono with red flowers on it, along with a black lace around her waist, her hair was up in a fancy bun and she had a red flower in her hair. "H-hey Naruto~Kun, are you r-ready?" she asked blushing while looking down, when I noticed I was staring I quickly readjusted myself, "y-yeah!" I said as we walked down to the school. "y-you look nice" I said scratching my neck, "you too" she said softly.

we finally got to the festival and Hinata's eyes lit up as she smiled, "Naruto~Kun! can we get cotton candy? I've never had I before!" she said smiling while tugging on my sleeve, How has this girl never ad cotton candy!?. After she got her cotton candy we sat down on a bench, she nibbled on the cotton candy and smiled, she probably liked it. "Hey, this seat empty?" a guy asked smirking a Hinata, she looked up a him "yes but mine will be if you sit down" she said taking a bite of cotton candy, he walked off when I made a cat face at him.

"hey you guys!!" Sakura yelled running toward us, "Hey Sakura!!" Hinata yelled as the two friend hugged, "so Naruto finally asked you out?" Sakura said putting her hand on her chin smirking, "nope! I asked him" Hinata said cheerfully, Sakura blinked a few times, "what?" she blinked, "y-yeah" I said laughing nervously, "well... you really got guts Hinata! I didn't even ask out my date!" she said nudging Hinata, Hinata sheepishly smiled, "so who'd you come with Sakura?" I asked curiously, "O-oh well I came with Sasuke" she said blushing heavily, "what!?!?" Hinata yelled, Hinata then jumped on Sakura, "Oh My Gosh!! Sakura!! you never old me my ship sailed!!" she yelled shaking Sakura.

After talking to Sakura for a while Sasuke came over and took her away,  me and Hinata had our fun and ended up sitting on the schools roof. "Hinata I need to ask you something" I said mustering up the courage to finally ask her.

it's now or never

"Hm? what is it Naruto~kun?" she said smiling at me, I gulped and took a deep breathe in, "Hinata will you-" before I could finish Sakura started yelling at us from down bellow, "Hey Sakura! what's up?" Hinata yelled down to her, I walked up to the fence to see Sakura yelling down on the ground, I gave Sakura the 'boi look what you've done' look, "Sasuke and I are dating now!!" Sakura yelled happily.

"Hm? what is it Naruto~kun?" she said smiling at me, I gulped and took a deep breathe in, "Hinata will you-" before I could finish Sakura started yelling at us from down bellow, "Hey Sakura! what's up?" Hinata yelled down to her, I walked up to th...

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sorry for not updating in a while heres an angry Neji btw thank u soo much for 400 views!!!

sorry for not updating in a while heres an angry Neji btw thank u soo much for 400 views!!!

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