Chapter 16: Winner?

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Hewwo!! me is back! and I'm not going to do any big intro bcuz nobody will read it so, ENJOY

Hinata's POV

I woke up feeling better than usual, I walked into my closet and got into my school uniform quickly realizing I slept in.  I quickly made my way downstairs to be greeted by Naruto who was eating ramen.
"And what do I owe the pleasure of having the one and only Naruto Uzimaki in my house?" I said sarcastically "Good Morning Hinata!" He said cheerfully, I smiled and slowly say down next to him.

"Ready for school?" He asked finishing his bowl of ramen, I quickly nodded and grabbed my bad.

                   *        *         *
We made it to our homeroom and quickly sat down. "Alright Students! For the next two weeks we won't be in school! And don't ask me why because I don't know!" The teacher yelled. The students including me and Naruto cheered, the cheering began to die Down while the teacher started teaching.

(。・ω・。) Magical Time Skip to after school.(。・ω・。)

"Naruto~Kun, I need to go to the store, want to come along?" I asked looking at a piece of paper with things I need to get written on it, "yeah sure." he said swinging his bag over his shoulder. we walked into the store and bought what I needed while Naruto got some instant ramen, "Alright let's head to the check out line" I said dragging Naruto with me, "Oh Hinata~" I heard, I hated that voice, "Heeey Toneri" I said nervously smiling, "why don't I help you with those" he said putting them in front of the cashier. "Congratulations!!! your the one millionth customer!!" the cashier yelled while confetti fell from the ceiling, "what's your name young miss?" he asked smiling, "H-Hinata Hyuga" I said a bit alarmed by what just happened, "well miss Hinata! you get two tickets to love love Paradise!!" (if you know what that is your amazing) he yelled handing me two tickets "just remember! you must take a boy" he said winking.

"well, looks like me and Hinata will finally have some alone time" Toneri said wrapping his arm around me, I groaned in annoyance "actually, I'm taking Naruto~Kun" I said pushing his arm away and walking next to Naruto. "awe thanks Hinata! even though I knew you would choose me" Naruto said smirking, "don't get so cocky!" I said lightly punching his arm playfully, "Oh But Hinata! we all know your in love with me Toneri bragged, "in your dreams lover boy" I said grabbing my bags and walking out with Naruto by my side.

we were walking back to my house when I realized what I just asked Naruto. "N-Naruto~K-Kun?" I asked blushing madly, he let out a small 'hm?' waiting for me to ask a question, "w-w-why did you say y-yes to going with me to love l-love Paradise?" I asked relived I got it out of my mouth, "well your my best friend! why would I say no" Naruto said cheerfully.

'Friend'  well dang it Naruto, that hurt, your right though.

"oh, well, don't you think It'll be a bit awkward?" I said unlocking my door, "Nah, I'm sure it'll be fine!" he said setting down the grocery bags, "right." I said while nodding once. 

                                         ***        ***       two days later      ***            ***

"Naruto~Kun!! do you have everything packed!!" I yelled as I waited for him at my front door, "yeah!" he yelled running out and closing the door behind him, "hurry up love birds! if I'm driving you to the airport you have to be in the car!!" Sasuke yelled honking the horn, "we aren't love birds!!" I yelled jumping into the car with Naruto following behind, "whatever you say" Sasuke sighed and started driving.

"we're here, now get out" Sasuke said stopping in front of the check in, "thanks!" I yelled as he drove away, "Alright! come on! I've ever been to an airport!" Naruto said grabbing my hand and pulling me into the airport.

"here's your boarding passes, your plane will be in concourse E15" she said handing us our passes. we quickly made our way to the waiting area and continued to look for a plane. "Naruto~Kun" I said sleepily since it was 1 a.m. "yeah?" he said plainly, "it's been two hours...where's the plane?" I asked laying my head on his shoulder, I felt him tense up a bit but I was too sleepy to process it, "u-uh I don't know" he said relaxing a bit. "an announcement for E15 passengers, youran flight has been canceled due to a missing crew member" the intercom said echoing through the airport.

almost everyone groaned and got up to schedule another flight. "Naruto~Kun" I said ready to fall asleep, "yeah?" he said already booking another plane on his phone, "are you getting another plane?" I asked closing my eyes, "yeah, we board at seven a.m." he said as I felt a shock of relief go through me, "well I'm going to sleep" I said keeping my head on his shoulder.

Naruto POV

"well I'm going to sleep" she said laying on my shoulder, I turned my head a bit to see her completely out cold, I smiled at the girl who stole my heart ("ψ(`∇')ψ)

I finally decided I needed sleep so I placed my head on top of hers.



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