"Victoria, it would do me great honor..."

"I..." I kept gasping, no air came. "Can't..."

"Would you-"

My eyes rolled back and I fell, and I fell right into the water... the corset kept me from breathing, and I almost unconscious when I was underwater. I sunk until I hit the bottom...

Someone jumped into the water, and the next thing I remember I was back onto the path being surrounded by people. Ripping sounds was heard, and I was able to breath. When I took that first breath of air it filled my lung and I jolted up. Amul, who was soaking wet, had dived in and saved me. and seeing my ripped dress and ripped corset, he also knew why I fell in.

It was too tight.

"Victoria!" Stefan ran up to me along with Rebecca and Darnel. Aaron told Stefan what happened, and Amul picked me up from the ground, which was actually easy for him, and began walking back to verandah.

Softly, with my voice only audible to Amul, I spoke. "T-Thanks' Amul..."

"I knew that the woman tied it to tight, I would have warned you sooner but I couldn't."

"I'm not dead," I smiled softly. "So it's ok."

He sat me in the chair, and not giving a crap what anyone says, I slouched. Darnel stood by my side, his worry was etched into his cute features, "Are you ok, Victoria! You scared me..."

"I'm fine," I patted his head. "Just need to catch my breath."

"That woman tied it too tight!" Stefan shouted angrily, furious. "Maybelline will be punished for this!"

By instinct, I snapped my heads towards him. "She didn't mean it, Father. Do not punish her. I am alive, see?"

"You could have drowned if it wasn't for the bodyguard!"

"But I didn't! Don't punish her," I took in another deep breath. "If you are going to blame anything, blame the corset."

He looked at the ripped corset on my body, and after staring at my pleading face he turned and stomped angrily away. "Maybelline!"

I gasped, but before I could do anything Amul stopped me, "No, mouse," He whispered. "If you stop him you will break character. You cannot stop a white man's decision."


"I am sorry," he said again. "There is nothing you can do."

I saw Stefan as he entered the house in anger, Aaron followed behind him. I shut my eyes and looked away from the door, my heart weighed...


Hours later, I noticed that Maybelline wasn't seen again. Which really worried me, but as Amul had warned me millions of times I couldn't say anything about her whereabouts or what has happened for her.

Not only did it anger me, but saddened me.

After I had gotten dressed in something else I spent the rest of the day doing a various of activities. Most of them had to do with Darnel, like going to the stables with the horses, and since I didn't know how to ride, and Victoria did. So I had to saw I was still a bit woozy from the accident earlier.

The day I spent with Rebecca and the family, I knew I had to avoid Rebecca. She was suspicious, and wasn't totally convinced I was her daughter. Josef, however, didn't think anything of it. Instead he would flaunt me, taking me to the town and everyone stare at me. The women stared at me with hatred, or jealousy.

I just wanted a stupid golden plate, and when I get it and return to that crazy old fool I was going to hit him on his head with it. All this trouble for one small thing.

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