Sharing the News...with the pervert

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We went down to the basement where Luka and Gumi were holding Miku captive, I hope she calmed down by now, it's been like 2 hours.
Surprisingly, Miku was fast asleep in the chair, drooling and blowing a bubble through her nose.
She's a funny sleeper.
Luka sighs with relief.

"We finally calmed her down, it took us 50 snickers bars and 10 snickers ice creams..."

Gumi silently nodded as she wraps a blanket around Miku's shoulders, careful not to wake her.
Me and Rin sat down across from Luka, eating some of the leftover bars.

"So...did you tell Len the truth?"

"'s a long story..."

(Flashback brought to you by snickers!)

"Len, I have something to tell you..."

Len's blue eyes widened as he fiddled with his red glasses.

"Donald Trumps taking over Japan?..."

"'s something else"

"They took off Pokemon Go?..."

"No no's something else"

Len licks his lips as he fiddled with his thumbs. He was shaking too.
This is going to be harder than I thought.

"Are you gay? Is this your girlfriend with you? Cause if you are, I understand...but this's just...too cute!"

He thinks me and Rin are a couple? God he's even a bigger Baka than I thought. Rin blushed as she screams the news to him.

"You Baka! You got (Y/n)-Chan pregnant!"

"H-huh? R-really?"

"Yes really! Because of your disgusting actions, (Y/n) is going to be a mother! And she's only...oh no..."

"What is it Rin?"

I said with concern. Rin's eyes widen with surprise.

"I forgot how old you are..."

"Ah, it's okay, I forgive you"

I hug Rin while Len in the background was nosebleeding everywhere.
I handed him tissues.

"'s true, I just found out a few days ago..."

"I can't believe this..."

"Yeah...I'm sorry-"



Me and Rin exclaimed as Len begins to dance around. He even laughed. He also hugged me, rubbing his cheek on mine as he had a big smile on his face.

"I'm so happy (Y/n)! We're going to be parents!"


"Yep! Oh! We should probably get married since we're going to be parents! I shall make the arrangements~"
(* >ω<)

Rin blushed as she pulled me away from him.

"Y-y-you two weren't even boyfriend-girlfriend to began with! Y-you can't just marry her! You're only 14!"

"Aww but I love her! I want her to be my waifu!"

(Back to the present brought to you by Len's marriage arrangements!)

"For the rest of the time, Len and Rin were fighting over me by pulling me back and forth by my arms. You two almost broke my arms!"

"Wow, I never expected him to be happy about it...usually boys would leave the girl"

"Yeah but this boy is different! I don't want him to marry (Y/n) though! I'm sorry (Y/n) but you two are too young!"

"I know I know, I'm sure we'll figure something out...eventually"

Gumi giggles as she draws random drawings on Miku's face. I nervously chuckle.

"Uhhh Luka, Rin...we should probably leave before Miku gets up and sees her face..."


"We could give her more snickers-
Oh nevermind, we ran out"

The Pervert with Glasses [Len X Reader Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now