Hiding in a closet...with the Pervert

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We both left Miku back in the class room while we went to the teachers lounge. Len tried holding my hand, but since he was a pervert, I wouldn't let him.
Who knows what kind of pervert thoughts he'll have just by touching my hand.
When we reached the door to the lounge, I put a finger to my lips.

"Now we have to be quiet in here so Sensei won't catch us. If you make any moves on me, you're going on a trip in your favorite rocket ship straight to the moon, got it?"

"Okay okay! No need to be so mean"

"Alright, follow me...but don't follow me too closely!"

I said as I slowly cracked open the door, peeking inside. No one was there, which filled me with relief. Sometimes the teachers would stay in here after school to watch educational videos, which isn't true because one of my friends, Seiko, told me that they were watching a little bit of hentai.
Don't even tell me how she ended up watching it too.
I close the door behind us.

"Where is it? Where is that book?"

Len began to search desperately for that book, he looked through the file cabinets, the copy machine, and even in the bathroom. I pulled him by the collar, choking him.

"Calm down perv! It should be in the closet with all the other confiscated items..."

I went to the closet and open it up, revealing many things inside: A buster sword, a bag filled with colorful 3ds's, maid costumes, and even pokeballs!
Where the heck did all these awesome things come from?!
I rummage through the things, searching for the book until I found it on the shelf. I stand on my tippy toes and snatch it.
I hesitantly handed it to him.

"There! I did your damn bidding..."

The pervert's blue eyes sparkle with excitement.

"Oh yes! The book!"

He quickly snatched it out of my hands, hugging it to his chest.

"Oh my precious! I'm glad to see you!"

"What a weirdo...well let's go before-"

I then heard footsteps coming from down the hall while Len dances with his book. I grabbed him by the collar and pull him into the closet with me, shutting the door. He blushed since we were so close to each other, our shoulders were touching.

"H-huh? Umm (Y/n)? What's going on?"

"Shh! Sensei's coming in here...don't make a sound or any movements"

I whisper to him as we heard the door to the lounge open then close. We heard Sensei humming a soft tune as he walked through the room.
As we waited for him to leave, I saw Len out of the corner of my eye, staring at my chest. He began nosebleeding and drooling all over the place.
I notice this and grab a tissue from my pocket, stuffing it up his nose.

"H-hey! Oh, thank you...I needed that"

"Yeah you kept dripping blood on my uniform...and stop drooling! What are you? A dog?"

"I-I-I could be since I'm getting turned on right now...just by looking at your boobs"

I want to kill this pervert right here right now, but I didn't want to cause a commotion. But I kept seeing myself dressed in a black hoodie, the hood covering my (color eyes) saying,

"Stab him with the buster sword~"

"Shut up!"

"Huh? I didn't say anything (Y/n), I was just distracted by your body..."

I should just take my evil self's advice. I then felt someone's hand crawling up on my body, making me scared because at first, I thought it was a spider.
I squirmed around, slapping myself as I tried not to scream.
Then I accidentally slipped on a pokeball, about to fall. Len caught me but as I open my eyes, I realized he was on top of me...his hands on my breasts.
I blushed 50 shades of red as he began nosebleeding again.
He stared at me with hungry eyes.

"Don't. You. Even. Dare!"

I whisper to him as I gave him a dirty look. I then felt him squeeze them, making me moan a little.
He sheepishly smiled as he stared at me.

"S-so this is what makes girls moan...o-okay"

He squeezed them even harder and I had to prevent myself from moaning loudly or else Sensei will catch us.
After a few seconds of torture but also pleasure, Sensei left the room.
This was my chance, I kicked Len in the balls and pushed him out of the closet, landing on his butt.
He gurgles as he lays down on the ground, holding his private part in pain.

"W-what was...that for?"

I put my hands on my hips.


The Pervert with Glasses [Len X Reader Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now