The Father Is...the pervert

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I stayed home for a few days, wondering how I was going to solve this huge problem.
My mother was surprised to hear that I lost my innocence at a young age, don't forget having a baby at this age...
But she said she would support me, no matter what.
Luckily for me, I didn't have a father who would kick me out of the house in an instant.
(〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ
However, I had to tell my friends at some point, so the next day I called them over to the ice cream parlor for a talk.
They were happy to hear my voice, but they were curious as to why I was acting all nervous.
When everyone arrived, I bought them all their favorite flavors.
Rin ate some of her banana split, smiling at me.

"So...(Y/n), I heard about the incident that happened a few days ago-"

"You heard?! From who?!"
( ⁰д⁰)

"...from Miku and Luka...they told me about your plan and they left you behind with Len...that's all"

"O-oh! Well yes that's true..."

I nervously chuckled as I rapidly tap my fingers on the table. Luka stared at me with concern.

"(Y/n), did something happen? Why are you so nervous?"

"I-I'm not nervous!"

"Uhh yeah you are...tell us what happened! Tell me tell me!"

Miku asked as her eyes were filled with excitement. I thought about what I was going to say.

"I met the president of Nintendo~"

"Really?! No fricking way! Did you?!"

"No you Baka! I was joking! But...something happened between me and Len"

Everyone leans in close, except Gumi, she was eating her ice cream and hugging the Stephanie Dola dakimakura at the same time.
What a silly girl.
I was about to tell them the whole situation until Miku interrupted me.

"Oh! You finally stood up to him, did ya?~"


"Yeah! You did, didn't you? What did you do to him? Punch him in the face till he was black and blue? Kick his butt? Threw him out the window? Burnt all his otaku things in front of him?~"

"No I didn't...lets just say we're even now"

Miku leaned back, laughing.

"Ah, okay! Well, you don't need to tell us what you did to him~ I bet it was diabolical~"

Luka sweatdrops as Rin nervously laughs.

"(Y/n) wouldn't do anything too diabolical, I would think...she won't even hurt a fly"

"Yeah...but somethings nagging me, why didn't you come to school these past few days, (Y/n)?"

Oh god, why did Rin have to ask that question...if she wasn't here, I would've gotten off scotch free!
But...some truths had to be revealed.
I stare down at my shoes, avoiding their faces.

"Well, there's some incredible news I have to tell you all..."

"What is it (Y/n)?"

"Yeah what's up?"

"Did you steal mangas again?"

"No....I...I lost my virginity..."

*Pinkie Pie blasts her party cannon, confetti covering everyone's hair and face.
Pinkie Pie: congratulations on losing your virginity!....What's a virginity?*

Miku threw the pink pony out of this fanfic, then wraps her arm around my shoulder, mischievously smiling.

"Oooh what happened then?~"
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

"I...I got pregnant afterwards..."

"Ooooh my (Y/n) is going to have a baby! So, who's the lucky man?"


Miku suddenly smiles, why is she smiling about Len being the father?

(Y/N) AND...what?"
( ̄◇ ̄;)

Her smile disappeared as she stares at me, confused. I answered her again.

"Len took my innocence after you guys left"

( ̄◇ ̄;)

"We both did it and he forgot to put on a condom"

( ̄◇ ̄;)

"So now, Len's the father of my future child"

( ̄◇ ̄;)

Luka screams at Miku in annoyance.

"For heavens sake Miku! Len is the lucky man! Len is the father!"
o( ><)o

Miku paused for a moment, then stood up from her chair.

"...I'm going to cut them off"




Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"Oh no...not again"

And look who showed up just in time, you guessed it: Len the pervert himself.
He was wearing normal clothes as he was wearing red glasses that made him look kinda girly. He saw me, then waves happily.

"(Y/n)! Hello~"

Miku spots him right away, a dark aura surrounding her.

"There you are, you perv~
Come over here, I have a nice present for you~"

She was hiding a pair of scissors behind her back, I had to save Len!
As Miku was about to pounce on him, Luka and Gumi grab her, pulling her away.

"Let me have him! I'm going to be doing (Y/n) a favor!"

"Luka, Gumi! Please calm her down with snickers! Stuff then down her throat if you have to, just find a way to calm her down!"

Luka and Gumi nodded, then took her far away from here while Rin stayed with me, which relieved me.
Now here's the big part: I had to tell Len that I was pregnant...
Hopefully, he won't go insane like Miku

The Pervert with Glasses [Len X Reader Fanfic]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang