Detention...with the Pervert

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"This sucks..."

"Well hey! Slapping the shit out of Len would teach him a lesson for staring at you!"

"You didn't need to take it THAT far..."

Sensei caught us talking to each other, warning us to stop before he adds another hour to detention.
Yep, staying in the classroom for 1 hour with only two people: Miku, my crazy friend and of course, Len the pervert.
Sensei found his book after the incident and confiscated it, then gives Len detention with us for reading such...material.
Len sat a few seats to my right while Miku sat next to me on my left.
Well, at least he wasn't close to us two girls...
Sensei checks his watch, then tells us to stay in the room while he goes to the staff room to fetch his geography book.
Once he closed the doors, the pervert yawns as he stretched his arms.

"Man, isn't he boring?"

We didn't know whether he was talking to us or to himself and we didn't care.
Then he got out of his seat and approached us, resting one of his hands on my desk.
He winked at me.

"Don't you agree, (Y/n)~"

Miku growled at him.

"Hey, don't come over and start teasing my best friend again. You want to get slapped again?"

Len giggles like a little boy, it irritated me and Miku.

"Why, I would LOVE to get slapped again by a beautiful girl like you~"

Miku hissed like a cat and stood up from her seat before I pulled her back down. I don't want Miku to get into more trouble, especially since she's already gotten 3 detentions lately.
I had to get rid of this pervert myself.

"Len, if you love Miku that much, why don't you do her a favor and leave her and her friend alone?"

Len fiddled with his glasses, blushing as he stared at me. Oh no, he's having another one of his naughty thoughts again...

"W-well sure! I-if that's what she desires! Umm, hey (Y/n)? Do you know where Sensei takes confiscated items?"

"...are you kidding me?"

Len blushed even more as he took off his glasses, wiping the sweat off his forehead. He looked completely different without his glasses on, he looked more like a model than a geek...
He cleaned his glasses lenses nervously.

"N-no...I really need to get that book back! It's the only hope I have left!"

"Only hope for what?"

"To learn how to get girls!!!"

His comment made Miku snap. She got out of her seat in a flash and grabbed him by the collar. She raised her fist.

"You want a bloody nose now? I'll give you one right here-"

"Miku, stop! He's not worth it...he loves your tortures anyway"

Miku pushed Len away from her, sitting back down on her seat, chewing one of her long green ponytails in annoyance. That was a bad habit of hers, ever since she was little.
Len fixed his collar as he turned to me.

"Well, do ya? Do ya know?! I must find it and quick before I lose my cool!"

"Umm you were never cool, Len"

I admitted, but he just kept worrying about that book. It's been 15 minutes and Sensei still hasn't came back, where was he?
Me and Miku were being tortured by Len's crying and whimpering.
All he cares about is his book...
It got to the point where Miku couldn't take it anymore.

"(Y/n)...if he keeps this up, I'm going to throw him out the window!"

"Alright alright! I'll handle him, just wait here"

I got out of my seat and approached Len, hoping he doesn't do anything crazy like kiss me.
I slowly pet his head, feeling his soft, golden hair.
He lifted his head up from the desk.

"H-huh? (Y/n)?"

"...I know where Sensei keeps the items..."

It was salt to an open wound, I didn't want to help this pervert. But what else could I do? Len suddenly hugged me, rubbing his cheek on mine.

"Oh thank you thank you thank you!
You're a lifesaver (Y/n)!"

...the hug was so much to me that I grabbed his arm and threw him to the classroom wall, where it started cracking from the impact.
Len giggled and drooled as his eyes were swirling around from dizziness.

"W-what a...tough girl..."

"Ugh...come on, let's just get this over with..."

The Pervert with Glasses [Len X Reader Fanfic]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن