[Signe: don't 'how are you' us!!!]

[Amy: why didn't you tell us you and ethan were dating?????]

[Tyler: i saw it coming]

[Kathryn: me too]

[Sean: same]

[Amy: still waiting for an answer, y/n!!!]

[Kathryn: Amy is just mad because she owes me money now]

[you: you guys made bets on ethan and i dating?]

[Tyler: yeah, its been obvious since he first introduced you to us]

Your eyebrows furrowed when Tyler said that. Were they all really expecting you and Ethan to date? Looking towards the kitchen, you listened to the sounds of something sizzling in a pan, and Ethan singing something softly. This brought a smile to your face, but you were brought back down the groupchat.

[Sean: where's Mark?]

[Amy: he's currently rolling around on the floor screaming 'my children!']

[you: tell that boy to stop being so dramatic]

[Mark: hey that's rude, y/n]

[Signe: it's true]

[Tyler: so how long have you been keeping this secret??]

[you: we haven't been dating that long]

[Kathryn: Ethan said you've been dating since high school]

Groaning, you realized that you needed to get your story straight with Ethan if this was going to work. Grabbing his phone, you dashed into the kitchen and thrust it in his hands. "Get on the new group chat right now."

Ethan looked confused as he opened it up, then looked at you sheepishly. "I'll fix this."

You watched as he typed, then the message popped up on your screen.

[Ethan: actually, i've had a crush on her since high school, we only started dating a few months ago]

[Sean: he speaks!]


You laughed when you saw Ethan rolling his eyes before replying.

[Ethan: i don't have to tell you everything, mark]

[Tyler: ethan, you waited that long to ask her out?]

When you looked up at your friend, you could see that he was uncomfortable and flustered.

[you: guys stop, you're making him uncomfortable]

[Amy: wait, are you in the same room?]

Suddenly, a burning smell met your nostrils, and Ethan quickly threw his phone down to take the food off the stove.

[you: yeah, and he just burnt our dinner]

[Tyler: we have clearly interrupted a romantic dinner for them]

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