Chapter 23 | Spill It

Start from the beginning

As I walked back to my locker I found Luke standing there with a few of his teammates. As usual he was checking out some girl who was passing by. I noticed him do this a few times which made me question his loyalties but then again, how loyal was I to him?

"Finally, I was missing you so much." I felt him tug my arm and we found ourselves in an empty corridor. Before I could reply his lips smashed onto mine and then for the next twenty minutes made out. It was the sound of clicking heels that separated us. Luckily no one caught us. I couldn't be bothered by detention these dad because I was already so caught up with exams.

I sat in my usual seat in our chemistry lab. Bellamy usually showed up late but as I slipped in the station so did he. He grinned at me like he usually did and I nodded and smiled back at him as well as I could without being effected by it.

He put his hand on my thigh to grab my attention. It tickled a bit but I held back any reaction my body was willing to give. "You sure are protective of me."

I gave him a confused look. "W-what do you mean?" His hands placement did bother me.

"Y'know, punching other girls." he smirked at me and I forcefully rolled my eyes as casually as I could.

"Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night." I muttered.

"If you admit it, it'll help you too," he chuckled. When he plays around with me like this I really do hate myself for liking him.

"I can sleep perfectly fine, I'm just trying to get good grades so I have more than one career path." I explained while my hands exasperated.

"Whether you dress as a nurse or ballerina you'll always look sexy." He winked at me as I teacher finally stepped into class.

"Pervert," I muttered under my breath but loud enough for him to hear it. "Only for you Jane." he replied. I slapped his chest with the back of my hand before concentrating on the lecture which wasn't too long because I was crazily crushing on my partner.

When I randomly got a call from Natasha asking if I wanted to meet her at the diner, I happily accepted. Ever since I got home from school I struggled with solving physics' questions. It would've been easier if I kept revising as we learnt things but I'm not that efficient.

I grabbed my car keys and headed for the diner. Natasha said her brother dropped her off there five minutes ago.

We were getting along too much for our own good. Right now we were playing Zayn's entire album on repeat at the diner while we ate.

"Is it okay to say each song on the album is my favorite?" I drawled and checked if I was drooling because I was thinking about Zayn Malik.

"It fucking is."she exclaimed and belted out the lyrics to like I would in her horrible voice.

"I'm so glad I finally found someone I can admit my song choices to." I sighed in happiness. "I'm a proud fan. I don't hide in the closet." I rolled my eyes at her reply.

"You're 5th plate of fries and your 6th glass of milkshake." The waiter reminded us with a smile.

"He so wants you Natasha," I said as I observed his body language towards her.

"He's not my type." She slightly gagged and I laughed. "Thank god because you can do so much better," I gushed.

"Back to the game. My next question is what would you do if you met a 'blast from the past'." She asked.

"I can stop if you want me to Princess," the sudden rush that we felt faded away and things became more gentle. "I'm ready," I told him and allowed his hands to linger around my body.

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