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"Kian, these are my cousins and as you can tell they're very privileged." He pointed at their mansion. I laughed at him before glancing around to see that there were no dead bodies or any sign of trouble and terror, so I think I'm going to like it here. 

I shook all of their hands and we all had small talk discussing what we had went through and how I met jc and they were actually fascinated by the things that the purge had to offer or whatever.

I thought it was strange that they moved all the way here to Beverly Hills, but they're really interested and pleased by hearing about the murders that happened.

"Come on in, we have wifi and I'm pretty sure you guys want to post about your experiences." one of them led us inside..

"I definitely want to post about my mine." Jc whispered to me.
I was barely paying attention to him because I was more focused on these people and this neighborhood.
It's too perfect and it's too clean and they're way too nice. People say that people don't come to Beverly hills to purge, but they never said anything about the people in Beverly Hills NOT be purgers.

Just because you've never heard of it happening, doesn't mean that it never happened. It just means that they're good at covering up.

"Kian, I heard that it was your birthday." one of the girls said.

"Yeah." I replied.

"Must be cool to have a birthday at this time." She said excitedly.

I gave her a confusing look, but she didn't notice it. Something just seems off and I'm not sure that jc actually knows his family well.

We entered the house and it was way bigger inside than it was outside and I fell in love with the sight of it.

"Jc, show Kian to the guest room. I'm pretty sure u know where it is." Jc nodded his head and grabbed my hand leading me up the stairs.

As we were walking in the hallway I noticed that there was a few locks on one of the doors. It was suspicious, but I didn't say anything about it

We went inside of the guest room and I locked the door behind us.

the purge .➵ jianWhere stories live. Discover now