Chapter 22 | Ordinary People

Comenzar desde el principio

His demeanor definitely scared me for a second before he softened his stance.

"II'll be your girlfriend," I rolled my eyes and planted my lips to his.

I was going to get over the bad boy.

Moments later we heard howling and low whistles that forced us to stop kissing.

Did I mention what I good kisser he was?

"Finally!" Brianna cheerfully jumped around. Eliza smiled while looking between me and Luke.

"Nicely done bro," Harry patted Luke's back and I quickly removed my hands from his neck. "You guys!" I said in a scolding manner.

"Blake and Luke sitting..." Brianna and Harry sang us they entered the house. Eliza followed them inside. I turned around to see Chris searching for something in his. I was about to ask but he held his phone and sighed in relief.

That tiny device was full of pictures of Brianna and that too of every living and breathing moment of her. She no doubt fascinated him and although he didn't like photography he sure knew just how to get a good picture of my disoriented twin sister. Not identical might I remind you.

"Chrissy hurry up," I don't know why I called him that but the look on his face made me promise myself to always call him Chrissy. Luke laughed with me but we stopped when Chris made kissy faces at us and wiggled his brows.

"Whatever," I shrugged.

I can't sleep. How can anyone sleep knowing their using their friend? I'm not even cheating and I feel guilty.

After another ten minutes of shuffling in my bed since I couldn't even focus on reading my textbook, I decided to go Brianna.

She's worse than the love experts in Frozen.

Not caring about what she's up to, I walked into her room and found her doing some crazy cheer routine in her underwear. I immediately dropped to the floor and started to laugh.

"Shut up! you're going to wake mom up!" she threw a pillow at me and clearly she wasn't embarrassed by her god awful moves which made me laugh harder.

"Please don't do that! If you want to be Queen bee swear on your life that you won't repeat this in public!" I said gripping onto my stomach and propping myself against the wall for support.

"It wasn't that bad." She rolled her eyes and put on a robe while I shook my head trying to stop another round of laughter.

"Anyways, I need advice." I said dropping myself on her bed. "I know," she sighed and sat opposite me.

"I don't know what I'm doing," I said.

"You like Bellamy but you're with Luke?" she almost questioned the last part. I nodded my head.

After we were caught making out in the driveway we didn't really do anything after that. No touching basically.

"I feel so different around Bel, I can't help it." I admitted to her.

"It's an infatuation. You'll get over him. Luke's actually changing for you. It's not everyday a guy does that." she looked at me intensely with her big eyes that were sort of like moms just bigger.

"I know but I'm using him to get over Bellamy!" it sounded so wrong saying it out loud.

"You're thinking it the wrong way. Look, the right guy stepped in the wrong time and we all know what happens if you let him go. So, take the right guy and don't let it be a wrong time, you've kept this 'I don't like Bellamy in that way' facade on pretty well. No one will know you had a crush on him," she makes everything sound so simple.

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