Brian flopped down onto the bed, exhausted. The convention was fun, yeah, but it sucked the life out of you. He had about one week left with Evan before he went back to Ireland. He heard the door click open, and he figured it was Evan.

"What?" He asked tiredly, not looking up. He didn't hear anything, and was about to look up when he felt a weight on top of him. He finally looked, and there was Evan, sleeping on top of him again.

Brian immediately remembered the first night, and frowned. "Evan, get off of me and go to your own room," he whined. But Evan wouldn't budge. He moved a little bit, but then stopped. Brian sighed and tried prying Evan off. It didn't work.

Honestly, Brian was too tired to deal with his shit, so he gave up after that first try. He sighed, leaned back, and tried falling asleep.

He did manage to fall asleep, but was awoken multiple times by Evan moving around. It was mostly Evan hugging Brian tighter or pulling himself up. At one point Evan's face rested in the crook of Brian's neck. Brian didn't know how to feel about this, and just did what he did on the other times; he tried to fall asleep. And he did that time, with no more interruptions.


When Brian woke up, Evan was gone again. He sighed and rolled out of bed. He was going to wear his Limited Edition hoodie, but couldn't find it. He frowned and searched the entire room. He still couldn't find it. He hoped he hadn't accidentally left it at the convention.

But first, he had to check with Evan.

He went out into the kitchen, where Evan was making breakfast again. "Evan, have you seen my hoodie?" He asked. Evan paused for a second before continuing with breakfast.

"No," he said quickly. Brian raised an eyebrow at him before walking up to him.

"Evan," he said in a motherly tone. Evan looked up at him and smiled.

"Yes?" He replied sweetly.

"Where's my hoodie?" Brian asked again.

"I told you already. I don't know." Brian huffed and grabbed Evan's hands, turning him around.

"Evan I swear to god-" he stopped when he saw what Evan was wearing. There was his hoodie, hanging loosely off of Evan. "Evan," Brian said, not taking his eyes off of the logo. "Why are you wearing my hoodie?" Evan shrugged.

"I thought it was mine at first."

"Then why didn't you change it once you realized it was mine?"

"It's comfy."

Brian finally looked up at Evan. Evan was still smiling slightly at him with a mischievous look in his eyes. Brian squinted his eyes at him. "What exactly are you planning here?"

"Planning? What do you mean?" Evan asked, the mischevious look still there.

"I know you're thinking of doing something. I don't know what, but I do know that I don't like it. What is it?" Evan's smile seemed to grow once he said that.

"Do you really wanna know? Like, really wanna know?"

"No, I just wanted to know if you were in the fucking circus or not. Yes I wanna know!"

Evan's smile turned into a grin. "Ask, and you shall receive," he said before grabbing Brian's face and kissing him. Brian stumbled back a few steps. His eyes were wide with surprise and confusion.

Evan just kissed him! Why?

Evan pulled back from the kiss, still smiling at Brian before pulling him into a hug. They stayed like that for a bit, and eventually Brian hugged back, still confused about the whole situation.

Evan breathed in and let out a sigh. "You're comfy, you know that?" He asked, mumbling. Brian opened his mouth to say something, but quickly shut it.

Evan finally pulled back and started to laugh at Brian's shocked face. "I'm guessing you still haven't figured it out?" He giggled.

"Figured what out? That you're fucking insane? Cause I got that part down," Brian replied quickly. Evan laughed again.

"No, no. The fact that I like you, stupid." Brian stopped. Evan liked him? And here he thought Delirious had rubbed off on him way too much.

"Oh," was the only thing Brian could think of saying. Evan laughed and pulled Brian into another hug.

"And since that's out now, I'm tired again. Let's go take a nap," he said enthusiastically as he started to drag Brian into his bedroom.

"Woah, wait, Evan! What the hell does this mean then?"

"It means whatever you want it to mean. But right now, I wanna take a nap." Evan lightly pushed Brian onto the bed, crawling on top of him afterwords.

"Evan! If this is what I think it means, what is everyone else gonna think?"

"They won't care. I already told them about it. Now hush, and let me sleep." Evan got comfortable in his spot and quickly fell asleep. Brian sat there for a few seconds before sighing, relaxing and finally giving in. He wrapped his arms around Evan and fell asleep too.

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