Like an Unfinished Puzzle *Chapter 6*

Start from the beginning

"May you tell me what this is about?" I asked.

"I am not at liberty to say much, but I can say that this is about Miss. Scuitto."

With that said, I flash-stepped to Squad 1.


I was going to end it there but then I thought...nah, I haven't uploaded in a long time so i need to write more...CONTINUE!!!


As I flash-stepped to the office, the messenger finally caught up to me.

"Please, don't get mad at my accusations but this is obvious and everyone's been talking." He stopped. I stopped also, curious at what he has to say. We were only 5 minutes away. "Is it true?"

"Is what true?" I asked genuinely confused.

"I know I musn't listen to rumors, but it's all everyone, anyone, in the entire Soul Society is saying. Is there something going on between you and Anami?" He asked with hesitation.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

He looked more hesitant. "May I speak freely?" He asked.

"Confused, I said, "Of course," with a slight tone of regret in my voice. Would I regret this?

He nods. "Sir, you followed her from the office that night because you were worried for her, which most captains wouldn't."

"Captains do care for their squad members." I interrupted.

"Not as much as you. No one would follow their 3rd seat just because of a feeling." He pointed out. "After you followed her, you saw her go to the World of the Living. Most captains would just drag their squad member back, yet you still followed her."

"I was curious about what she was doing."

"But most captains would contain or end their curiosity by confronting them and demanding an answer from them." He continued, "When you saw her there, at the ocean, dying, you panicked and brought her back to Squad 4."

"Just like any captain would do to any of their squad members." I interrupted again, defending myself.

"Yes, that is true, but not every captain would show up with tears in their eyes."

I stayed silent.

"And not everyone would stay by their 5th seat's side every day and night, not even resting, eating, or drinking until they wake up or see a sign of consciousness."

"So what are you trying to say?"

"Captain, you care about her, more than any regular captain would to their 5th seat." He accused.

After a few moments of silence, I let out a breathy, shaky chuckle."That's a ridiculous theory." I breathed out. My breath came out as if someone punched the breath out of me. "I certainly don't have any feelings for Anami or any of my squad members for that matter." I said.

"But you don't see her as a squad member; you see her as something more, which may be the reason why call her by her first name."

I stayed silent.

"And not everyone, anyone for that matter, would deny this to the extent that you are."

I stayed silent, trying to sort out my thoughts and feelings.

"Speaking freely, and giving advice as a person who hates seeing someone unhappy and this confused, I think you should just embrace what you feel. Don't ignore our feelings, don't change your feelings, just accept them."

Like an Unfinished Puzzle *Toshiro Hitsugaya fan-fiction*Where stories live. Discover now