Scorpius smiles at me, and I smile back nervously, twisting my bracelet around my wrist. He offers me his arm and that's when I realise how awkward I really am. I take it and we walk onto the dance floor where many people have already migrated to.

"Want to dance?" he asks rather timidly (for scorpius at least) and I eye him scornfully. 

"Don't you know by now I'm possibly the worst dancer on the fase of the earth?" I ask sorryfully, and he grins. "Can't we just sit down for now?"

"I suppose..." he answers, but as soon as slower music starts playing he demands that I get up an dance with him; "Well you owe me this! For all that dancing class, which my foot payed for dearly by the way." 

After that, I couldn't say no. So, we walked (more like wobbled, in my case, but that's not important) onto the dance floor, which was illuminated with shades of blue and white, causing the effect of what looked like small round snow falling gently over everyone. 

Scorpius's hand slips around my waist, and I stand rather stifly for a while. Eventually, I do relax, and focus on listening to the music, and not the fact that I'm trying not to slip in my heels and look like a complete idiot in front of Scorpius. 

After you got past all that it was actually quite enjoyable. Scorpius was a good dancer; I let him lead me smoothly, and thankfully, I managed to stay on my feet. 

"See, Rosey Posey, I'm not that bad a dancer, am I?" he whispers into my ear, and I smile. 

"Not at all, Scorpy Porky." I keep myself from laughing, and try to keep a straigh face but I fail miserably, especially when I look at Scorpius's horrified expression. I start giggling like a little girl and have to bite my lip to stop it. 

"Do not ever call me that ever again." 

I cock my head. "Why? Don't you like my nickname for you, Scorpi?" I joke, swaying as a music I know well starts playing- it's a song my dad likes, and when I was small he used to let me 'dance' with him my stepping on his feet and letting him walk around. 

"I won't use that nickname if you agree not to use 'Rosey Posey'." I continue. He smiles; his eyes change colours constantly, because of the flashing lights around us which reflect his eyes.

"Deal," he agrees, grinning. "Want to spit on it?"

"Oh gross!" I shiver, laughing. That's when I notice James glaring at me from the other side of the room. My hand must have gripped Scorpius more tightly then, because his expression changes.

"You okay?" he asks and I nod, swallowing. I'm fine. I mean, James isn't my Dad, so it doesn't matter what he thinks. 

"Yeah, I'm just thirsty," I tell him. Well then, seeing as we are on the topic I might as well use the classic excuse of 'fetching a drink'. 

"Right, I'll go get some drinks right? Butterbeer?" I nod and smile thankfully. As soon as he is gone, James comes fuming towards me and I wince, hoping he doesn't murder me. 

"Hello, Jamiie..." I say sweetly, sitting down on a nearby table. He eyes me seriously, and wags his finger in my face as if I were a misbehaving child. Which, might I add, I am not, especially since  I am 15 for Merlin's sake and because I am not even his sister and can date whoever I like. 

"Don't you jamie me, Rose! What are you doing with that little Slytherin brat? Why didn't you tell me? HOw come everyone knows and I don't?" he inquires and I sigh. Of course he's demanding everything now. And the only people who knew were Albus, Bex, Lily, Lucy, Roxanne and Andrew (yes I did eventually tell other people- Roxanne actually approved, saying I needed a rebel in my life). 

I start twirling my hair around my index finger and bite my lip. How can I even answer him? "James, come on, you don't even know Scorpius. And I didn't tell you because you would get all heated up, like this!" 

James blinks and bliks again staring at me blankly. I consider turning around and walking away but I better well deal with this now rather than later. Instead, James turns around himself and walks towards Fred, who holds a glass to his lips and is talking to some girl, but tuns when James reaches him, casting me a look which said: Why did you have to drag me into this?

By now I'm getting pretty stressed out as well, especially with James. Why does he think he can control my life, and do whatever the bloody hell he feels like because he's older, eventhough he doesn't act as so? He can't do anything about it and he should just learn to deal with it. Scorpius arrives and offers me some butterbeeer tentavly.


I manage to compose myselff and take the Butterbeer, draining almost the whole cup before setting it down on the table. 

"Is James planning to murder me?" Scorpius asks, leaning in, a twinkle in his eyes. I roll my eyes, but smile and shake my head. 

"If he did, I would've hexed him, so don't you worry," I say, looking away from where James went and looking for Bex on the dancefloor. 

"Oooh a protective girlfriend- I feel so safe." Scorpius mocks, leaning back on his chair. I snort and sip more of my drink. "Do you like me?"

His question is so sudden, I am quiet for a moment. His eyes challenge me, dancing as the flashing lights hit them, colouring them in winter tones. Did I like him? Did I feel jealous when I saw him with some other girl (like Jade for instance)? Did I not smile whenever we talked, wherever he walked by and brushed against my arm? My answer hesitated to push past my lips so I smiled mischeviously and simply told him: "Maybe I do."

"Do you really, Weasley?"

And that's when the scream echoes through the Great Hall. And all the lights go out.

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