I groaned again and face palmed. "I would be really embarrassed if I were you. You could have gotten your facts straight at the very least."

"Kid, I've gotten my facts straight," he said, taking out a whole folder with my name right in it. "At the age of fifteen, you shut down the electricity of a whole city."

"What?" I asked, "It was just an amusement park!"

He hands me his folder to the pages where there are newspapers about the shut down of electricity. . . in an entire city.

I thought I just shut down the amusement park. . . no wonder I got a record.

"Oh, I haven't been informed," I grumbled. Damn, I was good.

"At the age of sixteen, you were held in detention and inspection wards of your school and different establishments because of bringing sharp, lethal objects, namely knives in a great number."

Oh shit. I do have a record. All along, I thought he was being ridiculous, but he did have his facts straight. In fact, I'm even worthy for arrest.

"Er, it was a collection," I said to defend myself a bit.

He took back the folder and continued flipping the pages.

"It went on until your age of seventeen, wherein you were affiliated with a group of teens around the world."

"Well, that was the leagues," I said.

"At the age of eighteen, your peers had one comment about you. Other than being a brilliant student, you are always involved in entering classrooms way past class hours. Mostly now, you're accused of having bipolarity, depression, conduct disorder, and also, dementia praecox."

"That's a bit insulting that you of all people would think that. Bipolarity, I am used to that accusation but I've been checked, nada. Depression, no freaking way. Conduct disorder, I know I have a disregard for rules but honestly?! And why the hell would I have schizophrenia? What lead do you have on that?!" I asked, because according to how he sounded like, I am a troubled kid with a load of mental disorders.

"Well, a security guard once caught you running from something and you panicked, saying there was something behind him. A lot of witnesses had said things similar."

I face palmed, everything I did is backfiring on me.

I slammed my head against the table and sat up straight immediately, "Sir, I did that because I want to get past him. He won't let me go through, I forgot something in my dorm!"

"He said you were running from something," he reminded.

"I was anxious at that time. All I heard were those firecrackers." I reasoned out with the truth again. I thought they were supposed to be good at reading lies!

"That you have set up," he reminded again.

"Well damn, sir, I am every bit human to have my conscience ticking. I just ruined my best friends' performance," I justified. "And sir, what motive would I have for terrorism? Why would I want that? I have a phobia on loud sounds. I never used firecrackers, just that last one because it's fighting fire with fire after one of the old bullies made my bag explode."

I wonder if he's really listening.

"Ever since you were younger, you've already had a serious lack of regard for rules and authority," he trailed on and frankly, he wasn't wrong. "Is it because of what happened to your father?"

That was it.

My eyebrows met and I frowned, "Don't drag my dad into this." My voice is stern and in a tone of warning. Frankly, I couldn't care that he was an agent, I'm so done with this and I just want to get it over with.

Into The NightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora