Chapter II: New Year's Eve

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Hotel Hightower - December 31st, 1899 - 11:00 AM

Manfred Strang was standing among the reporters waiting in the majestic lobby of Hotel Hightower for Harrison Hightower to speak about his most recent expedition in Africa. Strang was sent by Harrison Hightower's business rival, Cornelius Endicott. Endicott didn't believe that Hightower discovered any of the artifacts he acquired, so he ordered Strang to try to find out if Endicott's suspicions are true. Every reporter in the room was whspering to one another. What has Hightower discovered? However, Strang has heard rumors from hotel staff that the artifact that Hightower brought back was cursed. Rumor has it that Hightower didn't even "discover" this artifact, some of the staff say that he stole it from a mysterious tribe called the Mtundu. Not wanting to think about this so-called "curse", Strang decided to look around the lobby. It's the very first time that he's been inside. The lobby is grand in its own diverse way. Arches surrounded each side of the lobby, at the end of the lobby, parallel to the front doors, is the hotel's main elevator. Although there seems to be only 1 elevator used by guests and staff, Strang has heard that there are actually 3 service elevator shafts that only operate when the hotel has no power or when the hotel has to be evacuated. The elevator in the main lobby was decorated with an outline of a Greek temple outlining the elevator doors. The lobby was decorated with artifacts that Mr. Hightower collected from his expeditions. In the sitting area beside the front doors, there is a giant fireplace that's build to look like something from Asia or Southern America. Or perhaps it could've been stolen? Hung above the fireplace was a portrait of Harrison Hightower, donned in an explorer's hat, and  jacket. But what people notice a lot are the many murals of Hightower adventures- or should you say misadventures -around the world. The largest mural was above the elevator. It shows Hightower posing heroicly at the docks while Smelding is unloading all the artifacts he found. You could see a pair of women looking at the artifacts. In the background of the mural, is Hotel Hightower, standing on its own, away from the many buildings of Manhattan. You could tell that Hightower was a selfish snob from the way he was posing in many of the murals. Each mural features Hightower and his personal butler, Smelding, leaving from places, such as India, Japan, Egypt, and others, with precious artifacts. The sphinx lamp on the front desk in the lobby can be seen in te Egyptian mural. If you look closely at most of the murals, you could see that Hightower is actually escaping from the natives who Hightower stole from. That made Endicott's suspicions about Hightower true. Most of the people who visit Hotel Hightower do not notice this because of how small the peope were painted and as a result, see Hightower as an amazing explorer. There was a stained glass window above the front doors to the lobby, it showed Mr. Hightower standing on the Earth between the moon and the sun. A quote from Shakespeare surrounded the top, The world is my oyster, which I with sword will open. This quote bothered Strang, as it meant that Hightower basically takes what he wants from every civilization in the world. 

"Gentlemen," A young maid announced, "Follow me to Mr. Hightower's office."

The crowd of news reporters, and curious people, and Strang followed the maid through a small, tight hallway. The hallway was made of white brick. Chandeliers lit up the room. Many photographs decorated the hallway. All of them shows Hightower holding up an artifact, or some sort of place he's visited. One photograph shows a stone temple somewhere near Mexico. Another photo shows Hightower looking at a Japanese castle. 

"Mr. Hightower will let you inside in just a moment." The maid said, then she walked out of the hallway and closed the doors. Everyone in the hall was silent, until Harrison Hightower opened the doors to his office. 

"Welcome everybody," Mr. Hightower said, "Please come in."


Harrison Hightower closed the doors and walked back to his desk and sat down. His office gave off a gothic atmosphere. With all the sculptures and all. Especially the walls. The walls were colored red, and if one looks closely, is covered with the initials of Hotel Hightower or Harrison Hightower if they were smart enough. Hightower's desk sat on a platform below a stained glass window of himself standing in front of the hotel, giving a heroic pose. There was a railing in front of the desk and steps on each side of the platform. Bookshelves lined the back walls of the office. There was enough space in the room to hold about 30 people. Hightower cleared his throat.

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